Recently I started seeing my best friend that I have known since my childhood, she is absolutely wonderful and a true catch, and at first it was going great, but as the weeks have passed her conversations regarding the relationship has gotten way too serious. She keeps randomly bringing it up that she is sick of dating and wants to settle down as fast as possible. Honestly this is starting to scare me a little. I’m not afraid of a commitment, but I have a lot going on with Uni and my career and I feel like I need a lot more time to get to know her as a girlfriend.

I have hinted at the fact that perhaps we should take it slower, but she says that, she really loves me and doesn’t want to wait. Also casually mentioning that she stopped talking to any prospective guys for me (don’t know if that’s supposed to make me feel good or a threat).

The thing is any other girl and I would have just called it quits or taken a stand, but I feel like in this case I’m in too deep. I messed up and not only will I lose my best friend but also the many many mutuals I have with her, I am also very close with her family, whom I adore. My head is spinning, hoping for some advice.

  1. Have an honest discussion, explain where your at, say your committed but this is your timeliness, and explain what your timeline is for marriage, buying a house, as well as children? Then talk about what you would need from her, is she going to be a stay at home mom, does she have a degree or job?

  2. Nope.

    Don’t be rushed into anything. You need to date for a while to really know where you stand.

    Be careful you don’t stumble into a pregnancy somehow, before you’ve agreed to one.

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