So, my girlfriend is very big on being open and always tells me to tell her whenever something in my life happens because my life is important to her and wants to be there… Except that whenever I bring stuff up, she never seems to know what to tell me. She gives me short answers and never advices… Or very superficial ones…
I don’t know, does she really care that much?

We are long distance but we actually meet in real life every couple of months so it’s not just an online thing.

  1. Sounds like she cares but she has poor emotional support skills. Maybe talk to her, tell her you’d be willing to try to be more open if she’d be willing to offer more emotional support when you do. If she says yes but doesn’t know what to say, google emotional support skills and six levels of validation together and discuss what you’d like from her and ask if she’s willing to try that with you.

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