My bf (20) and I(20) have been together for a little over a year now but I can’t forgive him for a small interaction at the start of our relationship. Sometimes I’m just chilling and I get flashbacks to it and it makes me upset and angry.

We were hanging out with his female friends and he really only has female friends too. Most are alright but a few had been odd to me since we started dating.

We were playing a game that’s a bit confusing and I didn’t understand the rules and it came out that I made a mistake earlier that messed up the flow of the game for everyone. I admitted that I guessed what to do and f*cked up, since no one taught me how to play even though I asked. Instead of helping me, his closest female friend started laughing at me quite hard and I’m sat there confused as sh*t. His other friend straight up looks at me and says I’m dumb.

I’m feeling quite embarrassed and I’m like sorry everyone can someone tell me the rules real quick, and few others still laughing. I can take a joke but the laughing went on so long. I turn to my bf and he’s laughing too instead of explaining the actual rule to me. His female bff is chuckling saying “you’re so mean, you’re not telling her the rules cause you want to win”. Speaking about me like I’m not there. He’s laughing with her and sat there with all eyes on me, I’m looking at him like wtf help me out here.

I’m kind of feeling awkward and embarrassed because it’s my first time really hanging out with them. One of the girls sees I’m getting a bit flustered by the nonstop laughing and explains the rules to me, holds my hand and is being rlly sweet. My bf on the other hand is sat across me not making eye contact and is laughing with his female friend. They’re mouthing things back and forth and I’m feeling like super weird right now.

I ended up leaving early, because my dad called and something came up but I’ve been put off returning since not because of the way they acted, but how he acted.

He is usually the sweetest guy when we’re alone so it shocked me and still doesn’t make sense to this day. I’ve spoken to him about it and he said he’s sorry and it’s a joke. But still almost a year later I still feel angry when I think about it. He is my first relationship too but things have been alright for the past year.

Arghhh I feel I’m going crazy but I’m still upset with him about this, and I can’t help it even if he apologises. I just don’t get why he didn’t stick up for me or won’t?

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