I’ve had very few sexual encounters where I have no problem getting it up and maintaining an erection. Most of the time I need excessively long foreplay just to get hard and even then as soon as I switch positions, plop, gone. Then there are the times where as soon as I put the condom on and try to go inside it’s over.

I’m in remission for bi polar disorder and only started having sex 2 years ago after I got off of antipsychotics (Risperdone) and antidepressants (Lexapro). I was on these including other antidepressants for 6 years. I remember being super horny when I was 12 – 13 but not even being close to that pretty much my whole teenage life when that’s supposed to be around my peak! I’m sure these messed up my libido but I at least thought by now it would’ve recovered, but I’m not sure. I lift and do cardio 5 days a week, eat well, and recently resorted to supplements that supposedly help with libido to no avail.

I don’t watch porn often, I’m not nervous in bed, and I know what turns me on so I express that with my partners. I don’t even want to bother attempting to have sex anymore until I get this figured out. I was just with one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen and my dick was close to the most limp it’s ever been. This shit is embarrassing and I’m really self conscious about it.

  1. Yeah, I’m a 27 year old and I have had the same problem. Just be open with your psychiatrist or gp about what’s going on I really think they’ll be able to help. Shit sucks man I’m sorry. They don’t tell you how those pills will fuck up your libido in the long run.

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