22M , never dated in my life or had a GF simply cause my mind was always occupied by others stuff, Gaming , school , sport ect , but as time passes , i saw a lot of my friends getting into relationships and stuff, so i said okay lets try this ,

so i approached this girl , took her phone number , we texted for months she was all over me, always initiated conversation never replied late ,

i took her on multiple dates ect , we kissed alot ect had fun , we become a couple in the end ,

honeslty i didnt know how to treat girls , cause the girls i knew , i treat them like guys and some like it some just hate me for it ,

anyway my GF said to me one day she like sweet guys and caring ect , so i treated her that way .


5 month into the relationship she ghosted me (been 4 weeks now )online but never replies , and i dont double text (being clingy is not my trait), so i removed her from my social media )

POINT :I ALREADY KNEW THAT nice guys , will get dumped or ghosted , i didnt believe it , but it TRUE HHH, and this is For the GUYS , GIRLS WORDS AND ACTIONS NEVER MATCH SO dont ever get attached to her , NO MATTER HOW PRETTY SHE IS , AND DO TRUST HER NO MATTER SHE SAY !!!!!!!!

  1. Dude it’s not you it’s her. Get over it bad shit happens. Im a chronic nice guy and proud of it. There are plenty of good women out there and plenty of bad.

  2. >honeslty i didnt know how to treat girls , cause the girls i knew , i treat them like guys and some like it some just hate me for it ,

    Well yea you should treat everyone in your life similarly. You shouldn’t be treating folks different depending on their gender.

    Yea your “experiment” didn’t prove that. The reason she ghosted you wasn’t because you decide to be nice. It’s because you changed who you were and that is a red flag in a relationship. She can no longer trust you or who you are and the attraction is now gone.

    Also if she just up and ghosted you.. was this woman really your gf? As in you both agreed to be bf/gf while seeing each other? How long into dating her was this?

  3. women *do* like guys who are genuinely nice and decent. your problem is you aren’t genuinely nice and decent; you’re a *nice guy*

  4. Yes, I’m also a notorious nice guy. 😂
    It seems difficult to imagine for many people that it’s actually possible to be nice without wanting smth in return!
    Believe it or not some people just like it to help and support.

    Anyways, I also had similar experiences. It seems nice guys are just too boring.
    I could imagine that it’s maybe much more fun if one actually have to convince the SO to help.
    You need to put in more work, but therefore you get the satisfaction of having convinced him/her.
    Idk, I’m not that kind of guy who enjoys to play all these games.

    Don’t think to much about that. They don’t deserve you and you deserve someone who actually appreciates you for who you are.

  5. I’m willing to bet you’re not accurately representing yourself or the red flags you put out if you like to rant like this…

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