Married. We already have a strong relationship and have experienced a lot. When it all started – there was total debauchery, no restrictions and endless passion … until cystitis came along …

We fought with it for years (4-5 years) and it was not clear where it comes from. Sexual life slipped, many fears appeared, total hygiene, even problems with kuni. I love kuni.

Finally found a doctor who understood that the problem was with me.

I cured everything. We can make love how and where we want, but she is already scared. Everything turned into biblical boring sex, in the meantime I offer her and invent a full range of pleasures.

Obviously I’m pressing, but I don’t understand how to start slowly returning her to debauchery (I don’t want to commit adultery, but I really want regular love.)


How to help her forget these fears and return. I love her.

  1. If she has a conditioned aversion then she will need therapy like r/EMDR to work through it. For you, check out r/deadbedrooms. Lots of couples experience difficult differences in libido.

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