Hey r/socialskills . how are you all doin. Today I found a really good way to get rid of procrastination but first,I’ll explain the root cause of procrastination.

Procrastination is delaying doing something that you have to get done. This is not because you are lazy. It is actually a safety mechanism. There is a part of your brain called the amygadala, which is responsible for the flight or fight response in your brain. It pumps stress hormones and causes fear, anxiety and inaction. You see anxiety can also work as excitement. Anxiety and Excitement are on the same spectrum but just manifest in different ways.

So instead of thinking about would could go wrong(causes anxiety).You should think about what would go right. Here are some examples:

1) instead of thinking that work is hard and boring, you want to create a feeling of excitement. So in order to do that. You have to realise that you want to crush this project. You want to win and destroy competetion (I can already feel my excitement)

2) Talking to the other gender. You are too worried about what could go wrong. Instead focus on what could go right. Like imagine the fun, you talk to this person, they talk to you. You have a fun time and you like talking ti new people.( Boom we created excitement)

3) Fear of public speaking, again you are too worried about the negative opinions of others. You need to think like this ” I’ll go up there and I’ll talk, ill make them love me, they will clap for me and ill win their hearts. I like speaking . ( boom excitement)

As you can see: you can convert your lack of motivation into excitement which causes motivation,makes work and being social so much easier and more fun.

Here’s a Tld;r: if you want to feel motivation focus on what could go right, never what could go wrong. The more you worry the more it’ll slow you down. So control your thoughts and lead them in the right direction for a better life

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