Background: A few months ago I (M) started college and had a few one night stands one of which resulted in a positive chlamydia test. I had gotten tested after dealing with a burning sensation when I peed and some testicle discomfort. I was prescribed doxycycline for 7 days and upon completion my symptoms became less severe. The issue is they never completely went away. Around a month after the initial test I went in for another appointment and was retested for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hep C, HIV, and a UTI which all came back negative.

I currently have a mild burning sensation when I pee which subsides when I’m very hydrated, some testicle discomfort, and occasional discomfort in my lower abdomen. I figured I should mention (although I think it’s unrelated), that somewhere in there the left part of my scrotum became itchy and this has transferred onto the leg next to it. I think this is just jock itch as I started running again around the same time and noticed some chaffing. I’m planning to get this all checked out at the school clinic when I get back from break in a couple of weeks, but wanted some piece of mind in the meantime or see if there’s anything else I should do. Thanks.

  1. Try an anti-fungal. If that doesn’t work…

    >!Do you have paperwork or an EMR patient portal screen (e.g. from your campus health center) that tells you that you have you been tested for hsv (1 and 2)? !<

    >!If this is nagging at you and you really want to know, you will have to insist on this test (the health establishment will not want to give it to you, at least in the states, compliments of CDC-driven care rationing and general health establishment paternalism).!<

    >!Consider that the health establishment’s paternalism in denying you this knowledge about your health may enable some blissful ignorance for you, for a time (possibly until someone has a symptomatic case and gets swabbed during a pelvic and you get to be held accountable). The blissful ignorance is probably not worth the trauma, therapy, etc.!<

    >!That said, if you’re MSM or a sex work consumer, you might want know so you know to get on PrEP because of the increased risk of acquiring HIV (or just suppressive therapy to try to manage outbreaks in the general running shorts area).!<

  2. This kind of sounds like kidney stones but I’d check in with your doctor to make sure. In the meantime to manage symptoms for the burning sensation, I’d highly recommend Cystopurin (potassium citrate) which is an over the counter medication! Some possible symptoms of kidney stones are:

    Severe, sharp pain in the side and back, below the ribs, pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin, pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity, pain or burning sensation while urinating.


  3. I had the same thing happen after having chlamydia. Went and got retested and tested negative. It felt the same as when I had it except no discharge. Turned out to be prostatitis I believe. I can’t remember if I got meds or it went away on its own.

  4. Get tested for Ureaplasma, and mycoplasma.

    They are technically not STDs, but they spread like STDs. Usually from a yeast infection, overgrown candida, or bad luck. Should be in the STD category technically, but they are not.

    Similar symptoms to Chlamydia

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