For any women here, when at a bar or store or social event. What kinds of questions do you want to be asked or what topics of conversation are best to talk about with women? Picture a guy you find attractive somewhere. What would you want him to say to you?

  1. If I’m at a store, maybe ask my opinion on something. For example, which shirt would look better on you. If I’m at a bar or brewery, maybe start with asking what I’m drinking, if I like it (maybe I ordered it but don’t like it and would warn you not to order it), what’s my favorite drink there. I’m knowledgeable about craft beer so maybe we could have a conversation about that. If it’s a social event then that would depend on what kind it is. If it’s a party or get together then how do I know the person who’s having the party? I’m a talkative person (and married) but if you struck up a conversation with me and seemed nice, I wouldn’t mind introducing you to my friends that were there with me and/or any single girl friends there.

    The askawoman subreddit looks like it’s never used. Is there a better one to suggest?

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