There’s a running joke, as far as I know only in America, that Red Delicious apples are deceptively horrible and disgusting (they are) while Honeycrisp are the perfect apple.

Are these also common varieties sold in your countries, or do you have different ones that fill the same niche?

  1. Gala, Braeburn, Cox Orange, Boskoop (in winter), Granny Smith are quite popular here. There’s also some new varieties like Fuji.

  2. From memory, my local ALDI has Pink Lady, Braeburn, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious and Royal Gala. Probably others depending on season. Those are the staples in most UK supermarkets, some big supermarkets can have over a dozen varieties.

  3. Depends on the time of year, but by far the most common here in the Netherlands are Elstar and Jonagold.

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