Obviously women are not a monolith, and everyone has different views on sex and intimacy and stuff. But by and large, in the media, and in everyday talk, it seems that the general consensus is that women simply do not like sex, and they only do it out of obligation. Or maybe to get something they want (Which is a sexist thing to say, but I suppose it happens).

I’m honest to God **not** trying to brag here, but I’ve had more than one sex partner in my life, and every time they *seem* to genuinely enjoy it. I don’t *think* they’ve been faking because on more than one occasion I’ve had girls squirt, and on other occasions I’ve felt them quiver from orgasm. And on almost *every* occasion, the sex partners I’ve been with have been very loud with their moaning. I suppose all that could be faked, but even then, I don’t understand *why* they would fake it. I’m just confused because I’m being faced with two opposing points of view, and I can’t seem to reconcile them.

  1. It’s a bit of a media trope that women don’t like sex. As you said women are not a block and there will definitely be some that never have particularly enjoyed sex but the majority do.

  2. Basically, fewer women enjoy sex than men, but those women who do are really into it, just like men are. You have found and attracted women that like sex. But some men, such as myself, have difficulty attracting the (fewer number of) women who are on the same page.

    Hope this reconciles it.

  3. It’s not that women don’t enjoy sex for me it’s more the type of sex. I absolutely hate rough/getting pounded which seems to be what most one night stands do. I prefer more gentle/intimate/passionate sex. So I have faked myself through the other kind just to get it over with – can’t be bothered teaching a ONS what I like!

  4. If women as an entire group didn’t like sex, we’d probably have went extinct as a species thousands of years ago.

  5. That trope comes from a history of men not caring about female pleasure. Think of “boomer humor” newspaper comics about unhappy marriages. We still have weird guys *to this day* insisting that the female orgasm is a myth.

    If a woman went her whole life only having sex with men who don’t do foreplay, don’t give oral, and don’t last long, then she could come to the conclusion that she doesn’t like sex. But the reality is, she probably *does* like it; she’s just never had *good* sex. And the sad truth is that for *centuries* that was a common scenario. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and it’s much less true now than it was a few decades ago.

  6. What? All females I know love sex. It’s an old tale that they don’t. Sure there are outliers but so are there with men. That said having orgasms and loving sex are not directly tied to each other. Not all women are going to have an orgasm during sex and this is by and large due to a) the men they are having sex with being ignorant / inexperienced with female orgasms, arousal, anatomy, etc. b) the female not be aroused enough to get there c) sometimes it’s not in the cards for that moment d) the need for clitorial stimulation and not getting enough of that and the list goes on. But non of these issues would say stop a female from loving sex or wanting more. Yea, orgasms are often faked but I’m sure you can research why that is. In any case it’s absolutely untrue that girls do not like to fuck.

  7. It’s not that women don’t enjoy sex. Honestly, I think it’s tough because a lot of women require more in sexual encounters than most men are willing to give and it can be difficult to express our needs due to socialization and prior experience with men. More seduction and sensuality, more time given to foreplay and building arousal, more exploration and general consideration/aftercare than most men want to put forth effort for.

    That, combined with being socialized to think of sex as an accessory to love/relationships and how society kinda laughs at male sexuality (male revues for women vs. strippers for guys) doesn’t really help.

  8. It’s society that propagates the myth that women don’t enjoy sex, as a traditional patriarchal view of controlling women. We are discouraged to discuss or want sex and seen in a negative way, whereas men tend to be glorified in their sexual conquests.

    The female brain craves as much sex as the next male, so long as the condition is right, and we’re allowed to express ourselves. Which is why I find solace here in Reddit forums where both men and women generally are very sexy positive and sex supportive. I’m glad that your experience with women have been pleasurable for all parties.

  9. Different people have different sexual experiences and women generally take longer to orgasm than men in a sexual encounter, but yes, many women enjoy sex in a lot of different ways.

  10. Like everything, it depends on the girl. Some have high libidos some have low. Most are in-between.

    That said, society norms and pressures can also condition many men and women that women don’t like sex.

    I know my girlfriend thinks it is impossible for any woman to enjoy giving a blowjob or handjob. Not that it is just impossible for her, but impossible for every women on earth.

  11. It can all be faked. Reasoning? For me. I saw that it would make partners lose confidence and it would seriously affect the relationship. Idc about sex really so i’d rather fake the one thing to save everything else. That was the old mindset at least. My current partner is amazing.

  12. What media are you talking about? I don’t see this at all. But then my popular media consumption is kinda sparse and eccentric — my main exposure to TV is playing video games next to my spouse while she’s watching “Grey’s Anatomy.” The women on that show certainly seem to enjoy sex, though their motives are often complex.

  13. As a women, I enjoyed sex, not all the time and not with just anybody. Imo, sex with a caring, loving partner is the only type of sex I’m able to enjoy

  14. First off we are better actors than you think

    Second sex is amazing when men actually care about pleasuring you. So many men know nothing about women’s bodies it’s honestly extremely concerning. For context just ask men what hole women pee out of

  15. I’m a woman that doesn’t enjoy sex and reading these comments makes me feel so bad…. I wish I enjoyed it as much as you guys are saying other women do.

  16. I don’t understand why would anyone pretend or fake that. I would never do that. It’s not ok.

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