What were you a first person witness to that most of us likely saw on the news?

  1. this is a hard question to answer because it’s going to depend entirely on the person’s age, media consumption, and other random variables; however, if I’m going to try to answer this…

    Hurricane Charley (2004).

    Charley was the third costliest hurricane in the U.S. behind Katrina (August 2005) and Andrew (August 1992).

    It’s likely some of you reading this may have been a wee baby at the time, but others may be old enough to recall. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I was working at a hospital in St Petersburg, Florida and we had to evacuate. Lucky for us the hurricane changed route and didn’t end up hitting St Petersburg, but instead ended up making landfall precisely where we had evacuated too. 😐

  2. The Riots in LA in 1992..I was at a business meeting in a downtown hotel, when the manager came to our meeting room and said they were closing down the lobby and we all need to go home or go to our rooms…as I headed to my room they were boarding up the windows, their was already a few broken.

  3. I was a first person witness to the September 11th attacks in New York City. I saw the planes hit the Twin Towers and watched as they collapsed.

  4. Driving on a highway, I passed a business that was being robbed. Cop cars there, two cops on either side of the front door, holding guns, backs pressed against the wall like on TV. Whatever they were yelling must have worked, as I looked in the rearview mirror, guy came stumbling out, and they took him down.

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