I mean it never fails I don’t know what it is about me but people always feel the need to say something to me. These are typically complete strangers. What I can’t stand also is people talking to me and trying to one up me. Like why are you even speaking to me in the first place? I went to take my dog out in the apartment provided dog space. I’m standing over money my business not bothering anyone and this woman asked if her dog could greet mine. But then she starts talking about the type of breed that I have and giving unsolicited advice.

She starts asking me questions like how do you use a harness ever because that’s what’s best for this dog. I’m like yes I have many harnesses but I rotate my dog on collars as well. She said she had a similar dog like mine before and couldn’t handle them… But it’s like OK well that’s your business. I felt she was trying to show off as well in front of this white man.

Basically when Black people especially get around each other one always tries to outdo the other if white people are around and that’s what happened tonight. I mean it was like everything I said she had some type of rebuttal to show that her way of thinking was better than mine. She even started telling me I needed to let my dog off the leash and let him run around even though that’s against the policy here. I told her it’s against the policy and she said yes but sometimes it’s best to break the rules if it means your dog is happy… This bitch is an idiot like seriously and that’s what I can’t stand about other people they are always right no matter what in their minds and just like OK well I never said anything to you to begin with, why are you even speaking to me in the first place.

I would never speak to these people voluntarily like most of the people who approach me and speak to me I would never voluntarily try to connect with them and I just want people who I want nothing to do with to leave me the hell alone. Even when I don’t have my dog, people always want to ask me something about myself or make some little shitty comment like go away. I just simply don’t enjoy the company of other people so my thing is how can I get them to just simply leave me alone?

I don’t know how to get people to leave me alone and I feel like I need to learn how to practice some type of avoidance strategy or tactic like how do you tell a person to fuck off without saying that verbatim?

  1. How blunt are you willing to be? I’ve had success with saying “I need some space right now”. Some people are offended, but I think it’s important to be direct about your needs. The key is to not explain yourself or go into detail. Just state what you need.

  2. It’s more common than you think that women have some kind of issues to be blunt in setting boundaries. We’ve been trained for centuries to be pleasers and that’s somehow inside of us.

    Check this out! https://amzn.eu/d/i1PxPk8

    Ive recommended this book a lot before. Easy read and very interesting.

  3. How about earbuds (without audio or anything playing)/avoiding eye contact/wearing sunglasses/whip out your phone and scroll around if someone’s trying to connect with you. If they ask you questions try giving short uninterested answers and close your body language. If they can’t take the hint then politely excuse yourself and walk to a different spot or leave entirely

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