I (23m) have a friend (20f)who I’ve been developing some strong feelings for, I have never been an awkward guy I like talking to people and I am always flirty but when she comes around I get so awkward, not to mention I’ve never really crushed on anyone like this sometimes I’ll close my eyes and fantasize that we’re married and have kids (something Ive never actually wanted until now) something in me wants to peruse her and make her mine but crushes are usually one sided not only that when she comes around I become so insecure about myself so it’s hard for me to make a move I don’t know what to say or how to tell her how I feel or if even should because I don’t want to loose her, have any of you guys been through this? What helped ? And if you did ask your crush out how did it go?

  1. My best advice for feeling this way, since I felt this way a lot in middle school and high school:
    You have so many questions, but there’s only 1 person with those answers. You can ask me or literally anyone else for answers on how she feels or what she wants, but only SHE knows. If you really feel this strongly, i would wait for a good time to confess your feelings or just go for it. It only hurts you and possibly your own chances with her by waiting, my guy.

    It’s like asking your mom for answers to math problems, but
    A) your mom sucks at math and
    B) you have google.

    You can beat around the bush as long as you want, but that’s your anxiety rising. Only one person has the answers you want. Good luck, bud

  2. >sometimes I’ll close my eyes and fantasize that we’re married and have kids

    Yeah, stop doing that – if you want to maintain your friendship with this girl. But really seems you’re on the way out anyway. Just ask her out and get it over with. Take the rejection on the chin and move on.

    Or she could say yes, but I’m playing the crush odds here.

  3. You got the feels and your hormones are raging. That’s part of being 23. Remember that it is entirely possible you could be misinterpreting your interactions. Best thing to do is to keep up positive interactions with her. If she is “the one” then it won’t matter if you fall in love over the next three months.

    If it’s hormones then you’ll forget about it after a week or two but you won’t make a friendship awkward.

  4. My usual tactic would be to ignore it and hope it goes away whilst she moves on with some guy and you get really depressed about the whole thing.

    I wouldn’t recommend using this.

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