New Mexico takes 1st place imo

  1. I love the Colorado flag. Even have a hat with the flag on it I bought at Denver International Airport lol

  2. I like Alaska’s alot, it’s simple and effective. Tied with AZ but for different reasons.

  3. I’m partial to my own state flag, which consists of an anchor with stars and the motto “Hope,” as in “I hope Buddy Cianci doesn’t beat me with a burning log.”

  4. As a Michigander, Iā€™m partial to my own. But I must admit Arizona has us beat.

    (Before anyone says it: thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œMichiganianā€.)

  5. Overall Arizona or Colorado. I really like the designs of those flags.

    But I always appreciate Oregon for having a flag with two different sides, though I wish we would update it to be more unique and not just the generic blue with the state state seal on the main side of the flag, like most states have on theirs. I would definitely keep it two sided, but at least change out the color of the flag or make it multi colored, and update the designs a little bit.

  6. If you like graphic design, Arizona or Colorado.

    If you like a nice logo on a white background, California or Illinois

    If you want to cosplay that you’re a 16th century European kingdom, Maryland.

    If you want to cosplay that you’re still an independent nation, Texas

    If you want everyone to remember the British ~~colonized~~ established contact with the European-explorer-based world first, Hawaii

    Reasonably cool celestially-themed, Indiana or Alaska.

    Really, all of the state flags are pretty horrible in their own way. Particularly bad are the ones that show various prospector – miner – farmer types standing there with rifles, plows and grain next to various woodland creatures or depictions of the land that we’re about to colonize. Shows what people thought of as achievement circa 1810-1890.

    The best two regional flags in America are not state flags but city flags: Chicago and Washington DC.

  7. In no particular order my top 5 are Alaska, Texas, SC, Arizona, and Maryland. Honorable mention to Colorado and Ohio.

  8. New Mexico is pretty great, I agree. Best ones imo are NM, CO, AK, AZ. Honorable Mention to MD and OH for uniquely weird.

  9. Utahn hereā€¦ Not Utahā€™s.

    Iā€™m partial to Arizonaā€™s.

    I like that Washington went nuts with a green fieldā€¦ but the rest is just meh.

  10. Gotta make Arizona, Alaska, New Mexico, Colorado and South Carolina as my top 5 (no particular order, but Iā€™m partial to SC since Iā€™m a native).

  11. Maryland’s is probably the one that stands out the most.

    Points to Ohio for opting out of the rectangle trope.

    Indiana has a surprisingly solid, yet uncomplicated design.

    Washington’s choice of a green background makes sense and really makes it stand out.

    Louisiana saying fuck yo eagles and slapping a giant pelican on theirs is a bold choice.

    Hawaii is the one that most resembles a national flag.

    Most boring would be Nevada. They took the boring blue background with a logo on it trope and made it worse by shrinking the logo and shoving it up in the corner.

  12. I think thereā€™s a lot of good ones honestly:
    California, Texas, Maryland, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, DC, Puerto Rico, Oregon (for being unique and having a different obverse and reverse, although the obverse is bad and the reverse side with the beaver is great), Indiana (would be even better if they removed the name of the state), Mississippi (same thing – remove the words)

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