16° in Boston and ive never missed San Diego more 🙁

friends are doing christmas today at the beach, 75° and sunny

  1. 17 degrees in Atlanta! The wind has finally died down though, it was brutal the last 40 hours or so.

  2. WA state. Went from temps in the teens and solid ice a couple days ago to temps in the 40s. Currently 41.

  3. I’m in Florida but the high is 45 😂😂😂

    I came here for a WARM Christmas, darn it!

  4. Detroit 14F (feels like -2F). Very very light snow, no wind.

    Glad the wind has died down and that it warmed up.

  5. Merry Christmas! It’s 36 on the Space Coast of Florida. I woke up a couple of hours ago and it was 35. Definitely our coolest Christmas in a long time.

  6. 19 F and clear where I am in Atlanta right now.

    In just a week from now we are expecting high 60s and T-storms.

  7. 21 here. Which is 3 times what it was yesterday. It’s like a tropical island vacation over here!

  8. 16° here, feels like -2.

    Light snow bit no wind at least.

    Bonus: I just hurt my back shoveling snow because apparently I’m that old now.

  9. Pittsburgh PA weather app says 13°F, cloudy, wind chill -3°F. Wind was brutal here, too; wind chill temps got down into the negative twenties. I didn’t go out in it, nor am I today. I’m hibernating with a cold. I’ll be going out tomorrow for supplies. I’ve got ham & homemade tomato soup today, and plenty of hot tea & honey.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

  10. Thursday was -30F here in Montana, it is finally starting to warm up a bit, i bet all the Californians that moved here because of that stupid Yellowstone show are having second thoughts right about now and we still have 5 more months of snow left lol

  11. 15°F in metro Detroit. Looks like the wind has stopped trying to pull the shingles off the roof.

  12. It’s been mid to high 50s all week in SF. Went out the other night and decided to just wear a light blazer instead of a coat.

  13. 13° in CT. It actually feels nice though, the wind has finally died down.

    Edit: nevermind it just gusted again lol very cold

  14. 20 degrees F in Northern Virginia. We just got the very edge of the storm. A little snow and ice, and some wind which has since died down, but that’s common winter weather here.

  15. Seattle is currently at 49 degrees F with rain. Winds light and variable. Expect widespread MVFR conditions throughout the day, with IFR likely in heavier rain. You have information delta.

  16. 16 in Maine… nothing abnormal

    The high winds and 55 degrees on Friday was weird though. The wind was like a warm winter hurricane.

  17. 18 in Maine right now, kind of overcast today. My parents still don’t have power after Friday’s storm though so Christmas is postponed until next weekend.

  18. Buffalo here. 19 F today, wind still whipping pretty decent and under a travel ban.

    Merry Christmas!

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