i really want to know if i will be okay without finding love, my dream is to find “the one” which i know that is bullshit but i want someone , and that dream is fucking me up because its making me needy in my relationships and that pushes the girls away , so is it that bad if i dont find the one , can i be fulfilled in life.


thank you in advance <3.

  1. The day you find that you don’t “need” someone is the beginning of the time you are most likely to find someone.

    Find yourself, become yourself, believe in yourself and LOVE yourself because that “you” is the person you really NEED. It will also be what attracts the best possible partner for you.

    And don’t worry about how others have done it or how it is going for them. We have each chosen our own path…don’t follow anyone else’s but choose and carve out your own.

  2. I’m pretty okay.

    I deal with loneliness once or twice a month, but freedom and independence is quite nice.

  3. Love doesn’t find you. You find love. And if you’ve put in a concerted effort to find love for a protracted period of time and you still can’t find it? Odds on, it was not your apportioned lot, as the Greeks were prone to saying.

    ‘Sides, most people I know in relationships do nothing but argue. You can do that with yourself, save some time.

  4. Life is great! While I didn’t enter a relationship this year, I’ve formed a few close friendships that are honestly more fulfilling than trying to find a girlfriend. I’ve also grown a lot as a person even without a romantic partner. I’m currently taking a break from pursuing relationships so I can focus on myself and build my friendships.

  5. It’s ok. Much better than making a mistake just to avoid loneliness. I’ve personally avoided it not because I wanted to… But because it has never been a good idea yet. Watched just about every other guy I know walk blindly into it and eventually get divorced and miserable.

    Do I have regrets? No. Would I have taken another path that might have led to love if one was ever likely? Sure, but not at this time in my life. A large part of why I am here is because I knew that relationships are not a guarantee that you will be fulfilled and I noticed that most other people thought otherwise. The last thing I wanted to do was be attached to someone who expected the world and would naturally blame me for anything missing at the buffet.

  6. Needing to be in a relationship is the best way to end up in a terrible one. Why is everyone so damn lonely? I loved being single. Make friends. Go out. Try new things. Meet girls with no expectations. A girlfriend isn’t going to solve any of your problems.

  7. I’ve never experienced happiness but I wouldn’t say I’m lonely. I am most content when I’m on my own. I don’t desire company, I don’t feel anything when I see others are having relationships and getting married. I know our paths different.

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