What have you seen a man do that makes you think, “Damn, that guy is cool”?

  1. Coolest guys I’ve ever met were the ones that were calm and collected under extreme pressure situations. Ice in their veins. I’m finally getting to the point where people comment on how I stay calm under pressure but it took YEARS of faking it before it actually became reality. Some people just have that naturally.

  2. Sean Connery using his pinkie to take care of a party bouncer by sticking it to the guy’s throat in Rising Sun.

  3. Tom Green when he taught me that being the funniest person you know, even if very few others laugh, is the coolest cool. Love what you love and have passion for it, ESPECIALLY if others say it’s “uncool”.

    Freak Flag Flying all the way, watch “Freddie got Fingered”. Master Class in Cool.

  4. A lot of racing drivers I’ve met. The ones you can tell who want to talk for ages with you. The couple that come to mind are max chilton and Alex sims who literally had their press person trying to drag them away from a conversation with me to get to scheduled interviews

  5. Watched one of my co-workers play guitar the other day. Didn’t expect him to have any musical talent at all and it turns out he’s amazing at it.

    Pretty friggin cool.

  6. I like the way the Thin Man (Crispin Glover in Charlie’s Angels) smokes his cigarettes

  7. I’ve never seen a guy in public who made me think “damn, that guy is cool”. But I have seen a lot of guys who made me think “damn, that guy is trying way too hard to look cool”.

  8. Getting out of his car, opening umbrella, walking around to passenger door, opening it while shielding passenger from the rain. 😍

  9. Having a really nice hole he just dug. Like damn, that’s a cool hole, must be a cool guy

  10. Coolest guy I ever met was my mother’s mate.

    He got into gunfights with poachers in Africa, killed one of his assassins with a karate kick, went out drinking with the crown prince of Japan, published books on martial arts, sailed on whaling ships in Antarctica, shot two polar bears before eating them, received numerous death threats from the Yakuza, became a multi millionaire, bought and restored a forest, starred in whiskey commercials on TV, traveled to the arctic aged 17, published children’s books, presented nature documentaries, had the Prince of Wales come visit his house, made and sold his own brand of whiskey, set up a nature reserve in Ethiopia which became a UNESCO world heritage site, became half of a TV stand-up comedy team, built his own dojo and stocked it with weapons of dubious legality, was a pro wrestler, had the Japanese Emperor visit his house, published several more books, gave a TED talk, cooked mountain bears for dinner, beat cancer, become a citizen of several countries, had one of his books turned into an anime movie, became a voice actor, gave speeches around the world, earned five black belts, wrote for national newspapers, produced albums of boozing songs, become famous, received an MBE from the Queen and starred in a TV commercial for the Mitsubishi Delica.

    We had dinner together at his house. Afterwards, he asked me to tell him some stories from my life.


  11. Coolest dude I ever knew would squat down on both legs and say “look at this!” then he’d let out a gigantic fart that would levitate himself off the floor for half a second damn i miss that dude Eddie he got hit by a truck doing that next to the road launched himself into traffic

  12. When they seem to have an air of command and be in control of their emotions and how they speak to people.

    Cool guys are calm and collected, I try to learn from older men I meet who act like this.

  13. This one time I seen this guy at a bar kick a chair over to a girl and motioned her to sit down, which she did.

  14. The way some of you guys are with your kids.

    I see the way some of you interact with your children and I often catch myself smiling as I walk away; knowing that at least there are those kinds of relationships still being experienced out there. I watch some of you playing, teaching, raising and being exemplary examples for your kids and I think to myself (to the kid); “you’re gonna be ok kiddo, your dad is a good man”. I unluckily drew a bad card when it came to my own childhood, tons of trauma and abuse endured by my family, and so those sort of wholesome moments were almost non-existent in my upbringing. I don’t have children of my own, and have always wanted to experience fatherhood someday, and that want still persists. But, when I see you guys out there being so nurturing, and sweet and kind to your kids, I can see the evolution of parenthood from what it was not too long ago, to what it is now – and it’s refreshing, and hopeful. I feel like a small part of me heals when I get to witness the love you guys have for your kids. Without a doubt, and with all the adoration in my heart I look at you all in those moments and think to myself; “damn, that guy is cool”.

  15. Picked up a snake blocking our driveway and casually tossed it into the yard. Didn’t say a word, just got back in and drove off.

  16. When he interacts well with other people in an online community at least like they are all his close friends. Not this elitist twatwaffle who is either so abrasive or so cold towards anyone outside his norm. Just making sure everyone feels welcome, and in a totally sincere way that’s not to boost his own ego.

  17. Wear a leather jacket, white tee shirt hold both thumbs up and Go “Ayyeeee”

    Then he hit a juke box and it started playing

  18. There’s a video where a guys girlfriend tricks him into holding a cup of water on the ceiling and he just drops it and catches it.

  19. Coolest was my Dr friend who never told anybody he was pianist.

    Spent one night until 5am playing rock n roll music on the grand piano in a 5 star hotel. Room full of random people in tuxedos and dresses all dancing and drinking. Fab night and I’m almost certain my mate was offered about ten different bedrooms to visit that night but he fell into the bed in my room completely knackered.

  20. I once saw a guy at a bar say to a girl, who he didn’t know and who was clearly being sexually harassed by some drunk douchebag, “Hey honey, are you ready to go home? I’m getting tired.” She went outside with him and he called her a cab. Full disclosure, I know this much because he was a guy that hung out at my local bar a lot and we talked about it afterward.

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