Hi everyone,

I would like to share something with you guys I happen to experience for the second time this year. I consider myself unlucky with women, I barely get dates and also it‘s been a while I have not got laid. I recently moved to a new city, so like any other guy who is new to some place and wanna get to know women I have installed a dating app on my phone. I got a few matches then and slept with two girls in two days back to back. Something that never happened in my life before. I am still getting matches and texts from other girls too. However while this thing is happening to me, I have got text messages from girls who I have been talking to weeks if not months ago all at once, out of the blue. These girls wanted none of me back then, but suddenly they are all interested, all AT ONCE. I feel like there is some universal attraction effect/law. Like either you have no success with women at all or you can get just a bit of luck and then all the doors will open up to you. Can someone explain to me this please? Also how can I use this to my advantage and learn from it to improve my dating life and have more success with women.

Thank you.

  1. I don’t want to impose my personal beliefs on you, but in my world, the law of attraction is real. We are all magnets, which attract the energy we hold subconsciously, so when you are lonely, the energy you radiate is lack- so you attract more lack.. On the flip side, when you have some dates and are feeling good, your energy changes to a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and feeling like you are actually wanted, and that is why you attract people when you are “taken”.

    Edit: a word

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