What are the advantages of being single?

  1. You have the opportunity to work on yourself. To grow and learn. To become the partner you would like to have in the future.

  2. You can put your pp in random consenting strangers, leave your shit wherever the fuck you want to in the house, go out whenever you want, come back whenever you want…honestly it’s a long list

  3. Less stress, less commitments, no nagging partner you’ll eventually resent, one less person to pretend to care about. Nothing but pros if you ask me.

  4. Less work. Relationships are alot of work after the honey moon phase. If you’re the guy, you really gotta exert effort, and this leads to sacrificing time outside of your career, which leads to my next point. You have more time to hangout with your boys. Lastly, you don’t have to feel bad for flirting with other chicks.

  5. Eating out is way cheaper.

    Eating out solo: large beef pho please, “okay 12 bucks.”

    Eating out dating: 1 large beef pho and 1 medium please, and may we also have 2 taro bubble teas and for dessert we’ll have the tiramisu, “okay 50 dollars ” +tip percentage will be larger too

  6. You can do whatever you want. Literally.

    While that may seem bad if you just use it unproductively (playing games all the time, slacking off, etc.), it can be good if you channel it in productive ways.

    Like trying to better yourself through fitness, school, or career.

    I have friends who are married. While they are happily married, you just can’t do whatever you want anymore. You have to check-in with your partner and work with them now on many decisions.

  7. Basically more time to do what you want to do and pursue your hobbies without having a time commitment.

    I was single, partially by choice, for a great part of my 20’s. I was able to save a bit more money I guess, and with that money I could travel around the world.

  8. Have anyone over your house with you want. I truly miss not having to ask my wife for permission for people to come over. I feel like a kid again.

  9. This is mostly a “not dating women” thing, but. *Peace.*

    You can just *do things*. You’re not beholden to obsessively check your phone every 10 minutes because you didn’t register your phone ring with a text

    you’re not having to cowtow around “I’m gonna go do this thing.” and then hysterics and screeching about how *thing* is actually cover for cheating because wanting to do *new things* is physically impossible.

    You can just. *do things*. Even if that thing is *nothing*. If you have downtime, chores are done, laundry’s clean, you can just sprawl out and shitpost and listen to music and have a drink. You don’t need to have some kind of constant Thing to Do.

    You can *live*.

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