I got into an argument with my mom about this. She says any man who paints his nails is gay in some form. This came about because of a rapper getting hat from his own fans because he painted his nails black. I thought about doing the same. How common is it?

Edit: For anyone who wanted to know, I was going to paint them black mainly so I’d stop biting them, but also because I like metal

  1. I definitely don’t believe there is any correlation between painting nails and being gay.
    People do much more stupid shit than that and nowadays it’s considered as new normal.

  2. It’s difficult to say. Every dad with a daughter I know of has had his nails painted by that adorable little one.

    It’s going to vary widely by demographics – urban vs. suburban.

    What people used to call “metrosexual”

    What about folks like Adam Levine from Maroon 5?

  3. She’s old school.

    It’s just nail paint. I don’t do it because personally I don’t feel it adds to the aesthetic I’m going for. I see painted nails and I think someone who’s into rock music.

  4. N heres me thinking taking it in the ass n liking it (huge distinction) was what made you gay?

    I’m Bi before people get upset at the above joke.

    I grew uo in the time where it eas seen as gay for having your left ear peirced or having both ears peirced.

    Ppl are fucking weird and ultimately it shoulsnt matter but somehow to others what you do in the privacy of your own homes is disconcerting to homophobes.

  5. I don’t think it’s common but I’ve seen it. My dad paints his nails pretty colors occasionally. I had a boss before that wore unicorn earrings into work and everyone thought it was funny and he’s got a wife so he’s straight enough I guess. I don’t know.

  6. Not very commonly that I’m aware of, unless they’re into the alternative/goth scene, then it’s extremely common.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with sexual preferences though, just probably wasn’t normal when she was young…

    My mom always said the same thing about skinny jeans & there was plenty of people wearing them 🤷🏻‍♂️

  7. Painting your nails doesn’t make you gay, it’s just that it’s more socially acceptable for gay men to wear it and therefore they wear it more often.

    My brother paints his black and he’s not gay.

  8. As a dad of an 8 year old little girl, it’s not gay. I let her paint my nails once a month.

  9. Basically never. But keep in mind that I’ve had my nails painted, typically by girls, but I’ve rarely if ever asked for it or done it myself.

    That said, straight men typically don’t paint their nails because it isn’t part of our routine, but that doesn’t mean straight men never paint their nails. The most common reason I’ve seen for men painting their nails is because it’s part of their look, like someone who identifies as goth. I’ve seen plenty of straight goth guys who painted their nails black regularly.

    So in a way, it’s done to make a statement. Rappers, and artists in general, are the type of people who like to make statements with the clothes they wear or the cars they drive. I would never think a male rapper was gay because he painted his nails, unless it was super flamboyant like painting them as a rainbow.

    So in the end, I would probably agree with your mom that straight men in general do not paint their nails. But I would disagree that a man painting his nails must be gay. Correlation does not equal causation. Men don’t paint their nails just because. They typically do it for a reason and that reason is almost never, “because I’m gay.”

  10. While its very uncommon for straight men to paint their nails, it is somewhat more popular among counter culture groups in which guys will paint their nails (generally black) regardless of sexuality.

  11. Just when I fall asleep and my kids troll me by painting my nails.

    I take naps much more often now.

  12. I think being attracted to someone of one’s own gender is more gay than painting nails.

    Makeup, including painting your nails, is more of a learned and socialized gender association than it is genetic. Who is born with a genetic predisposition to think painted nails are gender-specific or gender-preferential?

  13. I don’t think it’s common however I’m very sure your mom is homophobic

    Your question of how common it is has nothing to do with how she harshly views gay people in relation to nails

  14. I don’t think a man painting his nail implies having him romantic/sexual relationships with other men. But I also never heard a straight man say he’s thinking about painting his nails, so… there’s that.

  15. It’s weird bro. Wokeness and PC-ness aside, that shit is weird on a dude. But go ahead.

  16. At least where I live it’s non-existent, you barely see any man with painted nails, let alone a straight one

    Edit: spelling

  17. Intentionally and not at the request of someone else? I’d wager it’s something only 1 in >100k do even once a year.

  18. TBH, unless we are talking about going drag (which I am not sure if there is a correlation with that and gay), I don’t recall having seen a gay guy paint his nails. It isn’t overly common among straight men though.

  19. I’ve only seen this on young people.

    I went to lunch with my partner and a friend of his from HS about a year ago. I noticed his nails were perfectly painted and I asked about it. He said his girlfriend painted them when they were on a cruise. Yeah, no! The cruise was over two months back! When we got into the car after lunch I told my partner, your buddy is lying. He’s struggling at the moment but I bet he’s gay. Six months later he came over to tell us he’s decided to transition.

  20. It’s a lot more common these days in general and it’s always been popular in certain subcultures like the whole emo/”scene” thing. It’s just decoration, it changes regularly with preference, time and cultural context. I’m guessing she wasn’t a glam rock fan lol

  21. Common? No. Non-existent? Also no.

    Straight men paint their nails. Not a large portion of them but more then zero do. And more now then did 20 years ago. And yes 20 years ago was the last time men with painted nails started exploding with emo and pop punk becoming mainstream.

  22. Painting my nails usually involves painting whole room, but it happened.
    Also since I’m using airbrush for models, my left hand is usually covered in 5-6 layers of acrylics. Come off the skin easily, not so much from nails

  23. Who knows, i don’t look at others that much! And it depends on the country and culture.

  24. As a straight man who paints his nails, its not common, but I have seen it in the wild. I started with black also. I prefer a particular shade of blue now-a-days.


    One unforseen side effect is that women LOVE seeing men with painted nails and go nuts. Ive gotten so much positive attention and compliments from women who notice them. Its a good feeling to get.

  25. The only straight dudes I’ve see paint their nails are guys playing with their little sisters or daughters, or teenagers who haven’t realized how pathetic their goth/emo/scene attire makes them look (source: I was one of those teenagers)

    For what it’s worth, I haven’t met any gay dudes who paint their nails except some men who identify as women and do the whole crossdressing thing.

  26. It is a old school rock/punk/metal thing to do. Just meet her half way and paint your toenails black 🤣

  27. I’m going to be painting mine alternately green and red and putting little silver blobs on mine tonight. Merry Christmas!

  28. In the punk/metal scene, it is very common. My oldest son paints his, as does my ex husband, and I think it’s becoming more common. Frankly, just do it, man. If it makes you happy, just do it.

  29. Sounds like a generational thing, it’s more common these days but anyone older than like 40 is usually against men paonting their nails. But idgaf just do what you want to do, people will get used to it one way or another

  30. It’s becoming pretty normal now. I understand why someone older may not understand it.

  31. I think maybe 1 straight guy I’ve ever met, maybe 2 in my life have ever had paint on their nails.

    EDIT: I don’t think the nail painting in either case was done by themselves either, from my memory it was probably a woman painting the men’s nails as a joke or for some fun

  32. Gay means you want to (or are willing to) have sex or do sexual activities with other guys. Painting your nails isn’t gay. The word she is looking for is effeminate, not gay.

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