We were kids/teenagers when we were in a relationship so we didnt have sex for about 3 years into the relationship just hanging out, kissing & staying loyal. He is very loyal & i can trust him 100% & so am i. For about 5 years after that i never really orgasmed, sometimes i would be on top of him & shakingly cum but then he started focusing on pleasing me as well. One time he had asked if i wanted to watch porn but i acted like i didnt hear him which i know is my fault cause he probably watches it but he never “not” wanted to have sex. He has always been ready for it like everyday, every hour type & he gives me foreplay too but not for long. I used to get wet before but recently i’ve been dry no matter how much water i drink, no matter even i have the same routine as i used to before I stopped getting wet. When he kisses me to initiate sex, i get so irritated. It feels like i dont wanna do it anymore. I mean his breath is a problem too but i dont know how to tell him because i feel really bad. I dont get turned on at all..we’re eachother’s first love but we have been toxic on & off relationship based. When it comes to sex im turned off & i love sex. I dont watch porn often, maybe like once a month or once every 3-6 months. I used to have high sex drive but now its no where. Is there anything i can do/take/meds whatever on my end first so i can fix myself being turned off all the time ? & and shouls i tell him about it after? I dont even know how to start the convo, i feel like a terrible person. I want to feel like i want sex 24/7 with my partner. Please help with advice

  1. It’s all about communication. You’re not going to be able to go anywhere without speaking with him. He doesn’t know your point of view, so him being selfish is out of the way.

    You should tell him that his breath is bad and even you saying that it doesn’t bother you, it is a dealbreaker. There is many thing that you guys could try, specially new positions that could possible turn you on again.

    Sex in a relationship is more about connection and not physical attraction. But don’t forget that there’s many things that could cause you to turn off and you should analyze if there’s anything that happens in between the act that causes you to lose the If you really want to improve your sexual life, you have to communicate with him.

    Your high sex drive could also be related to the high quantities of hormones in your body when you were a teenager.

    And if all that I mentioned doesn’t work, maybe a sex therapy? If he really loves you, you will be able to convince him to speak with a professional to improve your sexual experiences.

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