What is the most ‘you’ll understand it when you’re older’ thing?

  1. “Dad, is it true that in some countries, men don’t know their wives when they get married?”

    “It’s like that everywhere, son…”

  2. Alcohol and drug use. Never got why people drink as a kid (I’m irish and it is a huge part of our culture)

    I still don’t drink a lot as an adult but I do now understand why people do, especially as someone who’s socially awkward. Not only does it make socialising easier… but life can be pretty tough as an adult and sometimes we need to dull the senses. Personally I just don’t like who I am when I drink, so I choose not to, much prefer smoking cannabis and even then its a once I a blue moon thing (and I’d rather smoke alone than be social)

  3. The importance of a select few good friends rather than the importance of a lot of friends.

  4. Parents are just people. They are just as capable of being wrong as anyone else.

    There is very little chance my dad could beat up your dad.

  5. Unresolved problems that catch up with you when you get older.

    Source: I’m going through this right now with my own sense of self, body image, direction in life, etc.

  6. That life is short and goes by very quickly. When you’re young you think you will be young forever, but age soon catches up on you. And before you know it, you’re saying things like, ” yeah I remember that, it was about 25 years ago” .

  7. The underlying sorrow of older people. They have been through so much loss, so much heartache. Watched their parents get old and die. Lost friends, spouses, family. Lost the familiar community they grew up in as condos and offices and towers sprouted up where low-rise buildings and family businesses once were. Been crushed by job loss and feeling irrelevant to younger generations. Anxiety over health issues they have no tools to understand.

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