Or that you shouldn’t have fought for independence. If that’s so what is their reasoning? I guess this question could fit under several flairs

  1. Not really. There’s certainly some who think we would’ve been better off, but they’re not a particularly common group of people.

  2. Well there’s 331 million of us, and it would be silly of me to assume I know how every one of us feels about this issue.

    But I can say with relative confidence that most Americans probably aren’t dumb enough to think we’d be better under the British empire, or that monarchies are some fantastic thing.

    Despite what clickbait news headlines will tell you, American independence has been a pretty damn good thing for both us and the world.

  3. Get ready for undercover Canadians to pretend to be Americans and wax poetic about the monarchy

  4. Oh, there are a few monarchists around. Very few. I bet some subset of them think we never should have left the UK.

    I’ve never run into one in real life though and even on reddit they mostly inhabit their own tiny bubble. I bet there are more people who seriously believe in Pastafarianism.

  5. I mean, maybe some like that exist today but, that was centuries ago. Really hard to tell how things could have gone if we stayed

  6. Not seriously.

    Main issue was how centralized power was under their system, leading to concerns being ignored until too late. Somewhat related was our economy being setup primarily as a resource feeder and finished goods consumer.

    Was not a stable situation.

  7. I’m a direct descendant of someone who fought for the Americans in the revolutionary war and I’m extremely proud of this. I’ve literally never met an American who wishes we never left the UK but they are probably out there. No disrespect to the UK, though. Lovely country and people and Americans generally have positive attitudes towards it. 🙂

  8. >If that’s so what is their reasoning?

    Mainly that the Civil War wouldn’t have happened. The slaves would have been freed peacefully in 1833.

    I had a Canadian claim that we would have done a better job honoring Native American treaties.

  9. 330 million Americans. There is probably someone that crazy.

    There reasoning? No understanding insanity.

  10. That’s so long ago no one gives it a second thought. We have no idea what it was or would be like. We have our own identity.

  11. It’s possible people like that exist. But there’s no organized group of them or anything like that. Not even on the internet.

  12. Nope.

    Beans for breakfast is horrible.

    Coffee is better than tea.

    Bourbon > scotch

    And Republic is better than living under the British monarchy.

    No taxation without representation! Death to mad king George!


  13. Considering that only 14 of the current 50 states used to be British colonies and those states are fairly patriotic then I’d say probably a diminishingly few people currently feel that way.

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