I(f 24) recently started talking to a guy(m 23) for about a month. I met him in person and we’ve been following each other on social media for a while before we started talking online.

He answered one of my posts and I sent him a picture in response, nothing crazy (a regular decent image), and he puts my image as his screen saver. He was complimenting my image and saying how it was screen saver worthy. I thought nothing of this since I thought he was only complimenting me and I responded saying thank you.

I know it’s his screen saver because he told me himself. And I was so surprised to read the message. He gassed up the image saying how amazing it is and I thought that was sweet but at the same time he need to take me off as his background.

We have only been talking and haven’t went out on a date. I’m not sure how to proceed or if I should. Is this a red flag?

How can I politely ask him to not have me as his screen saver?

Is this something guys do? Is this common? I don’t have much dating experience.

  1. IMO, that is creepy especially since you two aren’t dating. Just tell him up front. “Im flattered you like my picture that much, but I’m not comfortable being your screensaver when we aren’t a couple.” Or something like that. How he responds should tell you if he’s worth continuing to talk to.

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