What are green flags in women that make you think she’s “the one?”

  1. Doesn’t make a big deal out of it or tell all her friends when you ask to touch and kiss her feet.

  2. When they are angry, they explain what happened and let you lister and ask what happened.

    they are caring and empathetic and aren’t afraid to show they are in a “matter of fact” way.

    they communicate their emotions well, and have an understanding of what caused them to feel that way and why.

    … same goes for men but you know. not the question 😛

  3. Won’t play victim no matter the situation.
    Doesn’t blame others when it’s unfruitful to do so.
    Treats service/server workers well.
    Loves dogs.

    Same as a man, I suppose.

  4. I married my HS sweetheart. When I turned 18, she is 2 months older than me, she took me to a strip club and bought me a lap dance. I knew then…

    36 with 2 little ones now.

  5. Number one for me, is when I find myself automatically wanting to tell her things.

    Or I’m actively invested in just being around her and I don’t feel like I’m entertaining someone for no discernible reason.

  6. When she knows of a weakness and doesn’t use it against you.

    When she actually cares about my emotions and does things to help.

    When she actually pursues and engages in out sex life.

  7. Her own emotional control. Sure get mad and stuff, but don’t take that shit out on me, I wasn’t even involved in your dream of me cheating

  8. Thought if a dozen different things to list but they were all indicators of one important thing- you know she’s on your side. That she cares for you as much as you care for her. That you can trust her.

    Guys, if you have that feeling- that gut feeling, that knowledge from a thousand small things or a handful of big ones- do NOT let her go. Make sure she understands how much you cherish her back.

  9. She can manage to get through a date without taking a bunch of selfies or updating instagram.

    I’d be trying to figure out what cut and how many carats really quick.

  10. Down-to-earth, not pretentious, beautiful but does not think so, looks for ways to make the other person comfortable / at ease.

  11. When she listens to what you’re saying, not just waiting to respond.

    When you can agree to disagree (and not be grudging about it)

    When she will admit she’s wrong, or at least that your feelings/viewpoint are valid.

    Works for all people lmao.

  12. Assuming I’m attracted to her, she is age appropriate, she can have babies and we speak the same language fluently, I need these:

    – She uses sound logic and pragmatic prioritization on issues that are upsetting her and she can articulate clearly why she is upset.
    – when she is clearly in the wrong, she owns up to it and takes steps to correct said situation and/or apologize and make good on it
    – she takes care of her own shit and doesn’t pawn off certain activities because she thinks it’s easier for me to do it

    I can live and adjust to almost everything else you throw at me if I have the above 3 in a partner

  13. You want to show her off to your friends and family, and she wants to do the same.

  14. Able to actively participate and listen in a conversation. Asks questions and adds depth to the conversation to show interest instead of one word or simple answers

  15. My ex said that my job and salary, requiring a PhD and years of hard work, are because I am a man and that she, with her job that doesn’t even require a BA in Theatre in which she goofs around on a sound board should be paid just as much as my job and that sexism is the reason it isn’t.

    Yeah, my soon to be wife doesn’t do that for some reason.

    Oh, and when I said that someone getting prison time for committing the crime of rape means that society does not condone rape, she went ballistic because “rape culture”.

  16. When even if you don’t agree on a something that would be a big deal to everyone else, you can both just laugh and say that it doesn’t matter since that shouldn’t be something that changes your love.

  17. Green eyed brunette with a sexy smile. That’s how my wife got me. Oh and she’s an amazing cook

  18. After I opened her door and she got in, she reached across to open my door….

    She can handle a stick

    Puts others first

    Not constantly scrolling or taking “lonlies”

    She’s always been good with kids/kids love her

  19. Green flags in my girlfriend that makes me want to be with her are effort and empathy. There were no games. I didn’t need to chase her so I wasn’t worried about a giant ego and when I was able to tell her about the bad things without worrying about being judged it was a wrap. Thinking about proposing in the next 4 months.

  20. Not addicted to social media, supports you/ encourages you (not cynical when you share goals), family oriented and easy to get along with.

  21. If she reacts supportive if I were to give her a shit test like ,”I just got fired it might get rough for a little bit” or giving a very small glimpse of “emotion” to see if she loses respect.

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