I am not as horny as a 19 year old should be.

For context: in my second year of college currently. Last year/senior year of highschool were, long story short, promiscuous. Pretty much doubled my body count in four weeks in my first semester last year. What makes it worse is almost every time I’ve had sex has been a one night stand/random hookup, and I’ve never had a serious partner (male or female).

Finally started talking to a therapist and working out some daddy issues/issues with SA in the past (another fun consequence of my promiscuity last year) and got medicated on Buproprion a month ago(changed my life, i feel 100000% better). But I haven’t had sex in 4 months, and my sex drive is next to non-existent.

I didn’t really mind not having a sex drive this past semester, as I’d been primarily focusing on school, work, and self-improvement, but I’ve started talking to a guy. We’re taking things suuuuuper slow. However, we’ve been talking for ab three weeks now and I have barely felt anything sexual. He’s super handsome and totally my type, but I just have not had the libido I was so used to last year.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of change? I wanna enjoy dating and enjoy sex again… any tips on how to healthily proceed with sex in a new relationship and/or increase my libido??

  1. It’s definitely the bupropion, the best way would just be to stop taking it. You might be able to find another drug that overpowers the bupropion like pt-141 but it would probably be overall much better just to let the natural cycles of your body return to normal order

  2. I was on that medication for a year while working on my degree and it nuked my sex drive too. Keep working with your therapist and physician and let them know whats going on, they may have options to change up your meds, but if it helps, the libido came back after I detoxed. Buproprion is a patch while you fix the dam so to speak, youll be ok when you take it off but you may as well make sure the job is done before you do.

  3. Did your sex drive decrease before the Buproprion?

    You were SA last year it sounds like you are “rubber banding” between ultra high sex drive and no sex drive.

    Perhaps the sex drive decrease is just a part of healing with therapy and medication. 1 month is really short with Buproprion you should give it a few more months for things to normalize. You can also bring this up with your doctor/therapist.

    Is your sex drive low or none?

    Why don’t you just let things proceed naturally with this guy for awhile and see how it goes. If you’ve never had a serious relationship it could be good to seek out the slow route.

    Healing is more important than sex. If you need to heal your sex drive will come back in time. If it’s the medication you will know for sure after a couple more months of taking it.

    My personal experience with Buproprion was increased sex drive, but there were a lot of changes when I was on it. Maybe it will take some time for the changes to settle in.

  4. Discuss the use of dietary supplementation with maca root with whoever is prescribing your bupropion. In a double blinded RCT, maca root restored sexual dysfunction in a decently sized cohort on anti-depressants.

    Oddly, this is the second time I’m talking about this study on Reddit in less than a week.

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