At this age, what should your life look like?

  1. No way at all to quantify what your life should look like at this age. Some guys are working 3 jobs, some are starting college, some are in the military, some are just slacking off and doing nothing.

    It’s fine to look at other people for inspiration and maybe ideas about what you’d like to do with your life, but try to avoid comparing yourself negatively against others. It’ll fuck with your head big time.

    Just do your thing on your schedule and at your speed. The only one who can decide if your life is what it should be is you.

  2. Well you could just get your shit together in stead of partying your ass off thats about it, it about little steps tho

  3. Buddy, you have been spending the last 12 days asking these kinds of questions non-stop, and i am sure you used to do this on another account. You need professional psychiatric help, not lifestyle advice.

  4. Are you writing a book featuring a 25 year-old protagonist?

    What’s the goal of asking all these similar questions?

  5. Everyone’s life is different. I’m 26, some people I grew up with are unemployed, playing video games and smoking dope all day at their parents house. Some are in 6 figure jobs living in their own houses and everything in between. It doesn’t matter where you are at, if you’re satisfied with where you are in your life. And if you aren’t, change it.

  6. In my case, I had just bought a house and was about halfway through a bachelors degree. Others’ mileage may vary.

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