So I 21f hooked up with a guy last night and this is the second time we’ve hooked up. The first time we just went straight in and skipped oral although I gave it to him at the end so he can finish.

This time he wanted to put “the focus on me” and proceeded to give me oral and as soon as he started he had already asked if I finished which was no obviously but I just layed there and motioned for him to put it in.
After going at it for a little he went back to oral which was okay but I knew I wasn’t going to finish early on. Honestly I didn’t think he was going to go for so long so I’d thought I’d ride it out but he wasn’t particularly great and I just wanted to get everything over with.
I told him to put it in again and he put his last condom on and he said it wasn’t any good and went back to giving me oral. At that point I wasn’t really in the mood for it anymore and kinda just moved his head out the way and quickly started giving him head but he went back soft and ultimately none of us came. I just want to know how to nicely put it with people who give bad oral to just stop. I’ve only finished a few times with oral, other than that it’s usually really hard to get me off that way

  1. I don’t think there is a “nice” way to tell someone you don’t like what he is doing. Just tell him now that you don’t feel comfortable with it and essentially the same stuff you just told us. He is an adult, so he should be able to deal with it. Only if you tell him what’s wrong he knows.

  2. Tell them what to do while they give head.

    But yeah, there isn’t a nice way to tell someone to stop, especially when it is to someone who is trying. Be honest about it and hope they can handle it. Treat them as you’d like to be treated if a guy thought your BJs were bad and wanted you to stop.

  3. If I’m not getting someone there with with oral, a simple “Stop, it’s just not getting me there” is all I need. Only time I can remember it happening in 40+years of sex, was with my first wife, but she hated all things oral. You don’t need to be overly tactful because I don’t have an ego that’s easily bruised. However, most guys tend to. If nothing else, you could just fake an orgasm. Hell, I’ve actually faked an orgasm before, when oral had give past the point of being pleasurable and that guy (I’m bi) had a HUGE fucking ego that easily bruised. I don’t normally recommend faking an orgasm, but sometimes it’s the best course of action in some circumstances.

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