Hii so I (22F) have been hanging w this guy (21M) since September. He’s been very sweet and his feelings for me WERE apparent – until now.

Last Saturday i texted him asking to hang and he responded Sunday telling me he blacked out and didn’t even make it out the house. He then said he wanted to see me before he went home for break. (We’re college kids from different states). I didn’t respond until Monday telling him that I’ve been studying for a big exam I had that Wednesday. It’s important to note he was leaving for home Wednesday morning. He told me he was doing a class project all day Monday, and i told him to come over after he’s done if he finishes early. (I told him I couldn’t hang Tuesday because I needed to study for my exam.) He texted me later Monday saying he’s still working on the project and that it’s due at midnight. He emphasized that it wasn’t that he didn’t want to see me, but it’s that he was still working on his assignment due by midnight and he’s already brain dead/tired. All I responded was “okay I understand” and that was the end of the convo.

We haven’t spoken since. That was last Monday night. He still views my stories and what not but I haven’t talked to him. I also don’t get how he could be so into me then not try harder to see me. I want to know what YOU guys thing he’s thinking.

TLDR: He liked me but then didn’t try hard to see me before we went our separate ways for winter break. We haven’t spoken since – what is he thinking ?

  1. Yea I gotta call you out here OP. You waited until you only had one day between Sat and when he left on Weds AM to text him THAT DAY to come see you and he couldn’t. Yet somehow it’s **his** fault?

  2. Sounds like he was busy and didn’t have time to do all the things he wanted to do in the time he had (like seeing you).

    Haven’t you even wanted badly to do something but you just can’t make the time? Shit happens, I wouldn’t overthink this too much.

  3. So to clarify. You could NOT see him Tuesday because YOU had to a to study for a test but he couldn’t see you Monday because HE had to complete a project that he had to turn in that night for school…

    But HE is the one at fault here? You didn’t respond to his message Sunday. You didn’t indicate you made an effort to go visit him or broker some sort of agreement. HE is wrong for spending an entire day working on a project and “not trying harder” but then YOU are completely in the right for focusing on class? Why did you study Monday while he was busy so you could see him Tuesday? Or why didn’t you take an hour out of your day to see him Tuesday?

    Have you texted him at all? Made an effort to message him? Cuz honestly if a girl expected ME to cave and risk my education/career while refusing to risk her own education/career then I’d consider it a bullet dodged and stop talking to her. Sounds like you expect him to do all the work and as a guy I can tell you I’ve been there, done that, and it’s stupid. You want effort? Make the effort.

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