I (23M) moved in with my bf (34M) a couple months ago. My mom (57F) found out I’m gay and she did not take it well. She’s not religious but she is still very homophobic.

One day my mom harassed my bf in public after following him in his car. She would also send voice notes to me crying, trying to guilt trip me into breaking up with him, etc. We called the police after this but they said they can’t press charges against her.

I finally found the emotional strength to block her on everything and go no contact with her.

But this hasn’t stopped her. My mom is now messaging my bf’s contacts (after she found his social media somehow) and embarrassing him. My boyfriend feels really humiliated. I managed to hack into my mom’s socials and unsend the messages, but she is creating new accounts.

Once again I have zero contact with my mom, but my bf told me he can’t do this anymore, and wants me to move out. After he saw how upset I was, he took it back. But I can only wonder what else my mom is going to do.

  1. Honestly I’d return the same energy to her

    Take screenshots of what she’s sending you and your bf and send it to family member, her friends, her coworkers, etc. Post it publicly on fb and warn people about her. Hell I’d even make flyers and hang them up outside. If she wants crazy, return the favor to her.

  2. I am not a lawyer, but it sounds like your and your bf need to explore getting restraining orders against your mom.

  3. I’d see what kind of information you need for a no contact/restraining order/similar court order that keeps her from contacting these folks in your area. It’s generally much less than criminal charges and usually what you’re experiencing should qualify. Save the harassing messages and information on the stalking, and use it to get the court order. Then report instances of violations to the authorities. Contempt of court for violating a court order is typically a crime she can be arrested for and even the threat of that is usually enough to get people to stop. Best of luck.

  4. You *really* need to keep any evidence you can of her harassing you and speak to a lawyer about a restraining order. You could also ask a legal sub about more specifics for what your options are before consulting a lawyer.

    This sounds like something that you could totally get her into legal trouble for.

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