What’s the most wholesome thing someone said to you that you haven’t forgotten?

  1. I was a teenage mother and people always gave me dirty looks or said mean things to me. Once, in a check-out line, as I was buying diapers, and trying to comfort my crying 3 month old baby, the person behind me told me I should have gotten an abortion. You can imagine what comments like that can do to your new mom confidence.

    When my kid was 3 I was having one of those days where everything seems to go wrong from the minute you get out of bed. I was standing in a long customer service line at the store feeling so stressed and worried about life I couldn’t fight back my tears.

    There was a water fountain near us and my little boy asked if he could get a drink of water. I I wiped my tears away, looked down and said, “Sure, go ahead.”

    I watched him skip to the fountain and out of nowhere a woman appeared next to me, smiled and said, “You’re a good mom.” And just kept walking.

    To this day, I swear she was an angel.

  2. “Life dealt you a pretty rough hand and still you are a more positive person than I am. I think that’s incredible. “

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