I was talking to this one guy named Tom (he works at a store that I shop at) and this other guy named Richard (who works at the same store) saw us talking. Richard was standing in the same aisle further down. Tom was telling me he went on a tour. Richard walked down got in between us and said “how was it?” While he was kneeling down fixing items and then he walked away.

I then asked Tom to grab an item for me. Richard watched as Tom grabbed the item and then he looked back at me.

I met Richard at the store seven years ago. He and I actually went out and slept together once a couple of years ago. But he was in a relationship and still has a girlfriend.

\*Tom said he thought Richard just wanted to know about the tour. But I think he was interrupting\*

1 comment
  1. i think he just wanted to join the convo while also doing his job. dont think about it too much unless he shows multiple signs of him doing this kind of stuff.

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