What are some times you missed or fumbled opportunities with women?

  1. I misread the mood and kissed her on the lips. Got slapped and she stormed out. Yep…fucked that one up. I was 23. And autism makes it VERY hard to read the mood

  2. A girl I had a major crush on spent a lot of time with me I didn’t read the signals, so many missed opportunities and heartbreaks.

  3. College, high-school… That time she invited me to her dorm room to “study”. Lots of times!

    It’s okay

  4. It happened to me more times than I can be arsed to count, but the first time went a little something like this:

    I’m at a local bar, enjoying the music and talking to this girl I sorta knew. We were both regulars at the time and we hit it off quite well. It was a friday night, about half an hour before closing time, and we were chilling and talking about everything and nothing. I notice she’s slowly getting more personal, and at the same time she’s making her way into my lap.

    She ends up straddling my thighs, then wraps her arms around my neck, lean in really close and ask if I ever feel lonely. Since I’m in talking mode I say “Yeah, sometimes.” and wait for her to continue the conversation. Cue cricket noises for about half a minute, before she excuse herself and practically run off. I meet her again outside, but she’s on her phone and clearly upset about something, so I shrug it off and go home.

    Fast forward to next night. I’m back at the same bar, talking to a friend of mine who saw the whole thing and ask me if I “got any” the night before. I just go “Huh …?” and he just looks at me with this expression that practically screams “***YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER!***” The penny finally drops, and regrets were had.

    Got tons more, but this was the first one where I actually realized I had royally fucked up.

  5. Oh man too many top count. I was dense as a rock and super oblivious:

    1) Freshman year of college. Met a girl in the laundry room who kept chatting with me and insisted on keeping company with me. Even went so far as to talk about doing laundry again together (her suggestion). She even brought her laundry with her the next time to my dorm to do it again. But I never noticed her interest.

    2) At work, a really cute girl was super bubbly around others but quiet around me. Always broke eye contact with me and acted like she would ignore me. I thought she wasn’t into me until she messaged me at 4 AM at work on a bad night just to say hi and chat. After I left the company, I found out through the grapevine that she thought I was cute. Looks like she was nervous about talking to me so her messaging me at 4 was that attempt.

    And more. I’m super bad at signs honestly

  6. So, I missed quite a few in my younger years. Probably the worst one is when I missed out on a three way in HS. Wont go into details but after I gave it some thought I was kicking myself in the ass for sure. My wife tells me I’m oblivious when it comes to women flirting with me.

  7. As a young man, I’d often times talk myself out of sex it got to the point where I’d just have to not talk

  8. Some women are super keen on sleeping with you. Some would never. But there’s a big bunch of women in the middle. So I don’t really see it as there being opportunities that you can grab or miss. For the most part, you make your own opportunities. As for the super keen women, much of the time it’s hard to tell. Some women are just flirty even if they’re not super keen on you. Some are just shy, even if they are super keen. In a few cases, I’ve found out that a woman has been super keen on me. But I never would have guessed based on her behaviour.

  9. After a party me and the girl I fancied and has been talking to a lot were sleeping in the lounge. She had the sofá bed and I was on the armchair, she invited me to join her on/in the bed and I said “No thanks, I’m good here”.

    We didn’t talk as much after that.

  10. At the gym getting stared down hard by this girl maybe a little younger than me. (~24) Gym was mostly empty with just a few senior citizens doing their dumbell exercises. Girl was doing legs. I was doing back. We were only a few feet away from each other.

    I try not staring at girls doing squats or anything legs/glutes related since I never want to come across as a perv. I do take a peek tho, good for mental stimulation lol.
    I was sweating heavily and wasn’t really focused on her. The gym is a huge place for me to just disengage mentally. I enjoy it and keep a big priority on what it gives me mentally aside from the physical aspect.

    It was weird tbh. Almost borderline creepy. I started feeling uncomfortable around her in my proximity. She started staring harder. I looked back and smiled. She blushed and smiled softly.
    I was almost done with my back workout anyway so I approached her and complimented her 🎧 headphones color but said her shoes didn’t match. Just as a tease. She grabbed my bicep and laughed saying “ooooohhhhh you’re so sweet” I made some small talk about the gym with her. She was really engaged to me. I literally felt she was mine. Blew it tho because I really needed to finish back. She ended up talking on the phone and waved good bye.

    Really could have had her doing squats with me 🤦‍♂️

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