I am 25 years old, I have never had problems with my vagina up till now. A couple of months ago I started having sex with this guy. He has a regular sized dick (maybe a bit bigger than average but not too much). Thing is that we have a lot of sex in short time periods because we live far from each other, usually quite rough sex, not very slow and calm. We do take precautions, meaning we use lubricant and we make sure everything is ready. However, even though in the beginning it was as fine as always for me, after some time if we have sex for more than 3 days in a row (maybe twice a day) the entrance of my vagina swells, to the point that I cannot insert anything, not even the tip of a finger. At the beginning I can still handle it, cause after a bit of pain when we start it doesn’t hurt anymore. But if I keep doing it for some time then I need at least 10 days off of sex.
It’s a real bummer because as we live apart when I see him I’d like to be able to have sex without many problems. The pain is mainly in the entrance. I got checked by a gynecologist but there is no obvious problem.
Did anybody have a similar experience? Do you have any suggestion? Thank u in case 😅

  1. Yah definitely sounds like an allergic reaction with swelling, not just from rough sex. Are you using condoms or lube? Hopefully you can just try different products and hopefully it’s not a semen allergyZ

  2. It may not be an allergy – my guy and I don’t use lube or condoms and this always happens to me if we haven’t seen each other in a while. We also have frequent/rough sex so I think it’s just natural and it goes away in a day or two but stop having sex when you feel yourself getting swollen! I think that’s why it’s taking longer for you to heal up.

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