A few months back my gf of one year told me (M19) to find a picture her friend had sent her, they’re very close and she wanted a particular photo for her friends birthday. We’re very open have each others phone passwords and nothing is to hide, as I scrolled I was glancing through messages, please tell me if this was an invasion of privacy, I was being curious without bad intentions.
I saw a message that read “hey girl your bf sent me a picture of his d*ck”.
She didn’t act on anything and it didn’t go any further but she didn’t tell me, I don’t know whether to mention I’ve seen this message or not. I would have wanted to know and feel hurt she didn’t tell me.
Thanks for any advice.

  1. It’s fine to get weird about it, if you both knew the guy then she probably should’ve told you as well since that’s not ok. Just tell her what you saw, and that in the future you want her to tell you if anyone sends her anything bad like that again.

    Apologise for snooping then say that you want her to trust you enough to share that stuff with you, but don’t accuse her of hiding anything. Her reaction will tell you what you need to know.

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