Edit: made a mistake in the title. I am 27F and he is 38M

I’m a little too down to go into details, but I (27F) started talking to this guy (38M). I got his number through his friend bc he thought I was cute but we didn’t exchange numbers the first time.

Anyway, we only hung out once and I initiated that. We planned to hang out again, but he cancelled with a valid reason. It’s only been a week since he cancelled but it seems like he hasn’t considered rescheduling anytime soon.

I do have bouts of anxiety so I’m trying to tell myself to just calm down. I’ve tried to be as direct as possible without coming off as needy. I flirt and I let him know I’m interested. He flirts back in a very dry way. But he does seem to kinda have a dry personality. He always texts back but it seems like I’m doing almost all the heavy lifting in our conversations. He can be a dry texter most of the time. He does text back but it just seems so dry. I try to push the conversation forward until I just get frustrated.

Idk why is he still texting me and answering my calls if he also just seems so disinterested? I’ve taken advice on letting guys know I am interested so we don’t play mental games. Could I possibly be overthinking??

  1. I’d let it die. If he’s interested he’ll show you and he may just not be interested. Do you have much in common? You’re grown adults but he is closer to 40 than 30 so just wondering if that made you feel any way or increased your anxiety?

  2. He’s just not that into you. He replies to be polite because he doesn’t hate you, but he doesn’t initiate because he doesn’t really care whether you text him or not. He might also still be testing waters with you – does he wanna see you again or not? He might agree to see you just to get laid, but he’s not interested in anything more. If you stop texting him, he might text you once or twice on his own accord, but don’t count on it. Cut your losses, why do you waste so much time and energy into a guy you’ve met one time and know nothing about? Respect yourself and move on.

    Source: I’m close to his age and I’ve done the same thing when someone was interested in me and I was indifferent about them. Eventually I always tell them I’m not interested once I’ve sniffed them out and realised responding to their texts is too much trouble.

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