I (M26) had 3 (F26) (F28) (F24) dates and they all went well and they want a second date.

Idk what to do cos they all are really friendly, beautiful and I like them and we got on well on the first date. How do I know when I should be a gf with one? I’ve never had a gf before 😭🥺 plz help me

  1. It’s great that you have had successful dates with these three people and that you are considering a relationship with one of them. Choosing between potential partners can be difficult, especially when you are unsure of your own feelings. Here are a few things to consider as you think about which person you might want to pursue a relationship with:

    Compatibility: Consider whether you have common interests and values with each person. Do you enjoy spending time with them and feel comfortable talking to them about important topics?

    Connection: Reflect on how you feel when you are with each person. Do you feel a strong connection with any of them, or do you feel more lukewarm about the relationship?

    Future potential: Think about whether you can see a future with any of these people. Do you have similar goals and aspirations, and do you feel like you could build a fulfilling and supportive relationship with them?

    Ultimately, the most important thing is to trust your own feelings and listen to your gut. Take some time to reflect on your experiences with each person and see how you feel about them. It’s okay to take things slow and see where things go with each person before making a decision.

  2. Invite them all out at the same time and make them compete for you. Maybe record and make a reality show about it. We might be on to something here

  3. No guy has ever had 3 dates like that, so no help from us.

    Kidding but this is still a silly post. Only you can decide.

  4. You have divided your focus/attention on three different girls. You should take all your energy, focus and attention to learn one woman at the time. Then you will know what to do. Why make it so complex?

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