I’m a pilot so that means I will work a lot of holidays. It’s fine, part of the job and I knew that going in. Who else is out there keeping the world running while the rest get to enjoy time with their families?

  1. Back when I worked as a data center technician, I always volunteered to work Christmas.

    Work would be super slow, holiday pay was an extra day’s pay, and I could either work 4 pm – 12 am and have brunch with my family or do 8 am – 4 pm and we’d have Christmas dinner.

  2. Nothing compared to yours, I work in IT phone support. Had a call in shift from 10-14, I wasnt needed so I didnt have to do any work.

  3. Last time I worked Christmas I was a security guard, it was a straight choice between Christmas or New Year, I always chose Christmas.

  4. Most of my family has careers that include working some Christmases. Includes a firefighter, a nurse, a physician, and a couple of electrical lineman. Makes scheduling family stuff tough.

  5. I work in retail so never have had to.
    Closest I’ve done a boxing day before and it was busy but also pretty easy because there was no actual deliveries.
    My sister is “working” this Xmas at a bird wildlife centre. Because animals still eat on Xmas day.

  6. Behavioral health tech at a hospital. At least I get to watch the NBA games on the patients television

  7. I’m retired now but during my 30 year career as a
    firefighter, I worked every holiday more than once. It really wasn’t that bad. Everyone at the station had their families come down and we celebrated together. At some stations it was nuts! Station 18 had two engines, a truck and two rescues, that was 16 of us. We had 60+ people there!

  8. Night audit at a hotel. I am being run down by tourist questions all night long.

    No quiet Christmas eve for me, but at least I get New Years eve off (though my location at the front desk is probably THE best place to be for the fireworks).

  9. I work in a data center. We’re in a maintenance moratorium so it’s been quiet. Week after New Year’s is going to suck though.

    Twas the night before Christmas
    and all through the racks,
    not a server was stirring
    not even the Macs.

  10. I don’t anymore, but when I did building security I worked outside. Not a hell of a lot of fun freezing, but the end part literally paid me to let out my frustrations on chunks of metal *and* I got time and a half. Pretty sweet.

  11. Gf here, my boyfriend works at a psychiatric hospital and will be working Christmas day 🙃

  12. Thankfully I quit my job a month ago, but usually I’d be working whatever food service job I had at the time.

  13. 911 dispatch

    Tonight I personally have taken 4 domestics 2 house fires 1 pursuit and 3 disorderlies (downtown has many bars) and a myriad of the usual calls

    Tomorrow night I’m the senior one on duty…

  14. Facility Manager 1000+ apartments and 6 guys under me, I give them Holidays off, in return I don’t do oncall during the spring/summer so I can focus on my riding season.

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