Your partner says they want to participate in an MMA fight. How do you respond?

  1. I will laugh until my stomach hurts. Then I’ll call our friends and have him repeat it to them, and we’ll all laugh until we cry.

  2. I ask them why and express my distaste and discomfort for that choice. I will then privately decide if I’m willing to stay in a relationship with them if they go through with it. The answer is probably no. The answer is definitely no if they intend for this to be a more-than-one-time occurrence. I’m not interested in being with a partner who engages in fight sports to that degree.

  3. After I’d dried my tears from howling from laughter, I’d let him know it’s the dumbest thing I’d ever heard and tell him that it’d be a relationship dealbreaker, though this shouldn’t come as news for him. I strongly dislike combat sports and I have zero interest in men who participate in it, and he would be well aware of this. There’s no way I’d support him pursuing that.

    After breaking up I’d call everyone I knew so we could laugh about it together.

  4. We’d have to have a serious talk about our relationship. She can participate in whatever activities she wants to but there’s no guarantee I’m sticking around. I don’t want to see my girlfriend get beat up or beat up someone else just because.

  5. I watched my nephew do it. He was a small town athlete, trained hard. He was in a hell of a battle but lost, both looked like shit after but OMG, that’s hard shit and he toughed it out. His face did not looked great for a week.

  6. Encourage him to sign a life insurance. Nowadays whatever you tell men to do or avoid for their own good they’ll blame you of tying to ***emasculate*** them and ***”prevent them form unleashing their true potential”***.

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