A close friend of mine finally got into a relationship after many failed situationships and I’m happy for her, but I’ll be honest it sucks not hearing from her like I used to.

I have another friend who I’ve only known for about half a year and we only talk frequently for weeks at a time, but it’s just when she’s having problems with her bf and needs to vent. I know things are going well between them when I don’t hear from her for awhile.

How much different does the friendship feel like once your female friend gets into a relationship?

  1. Most of my close friends who are women are in long term relationships and have been since I met them.

  2. If they only talk to you to vent, or when they are having issues, do you really need to maintain contact with them?

  3. We no longer hang out or even talk as much as we used to. Although I can’t say I am different… But when we do hang out, it is for hours at a time

  4. Every single one of them disappeared from the face of the earth after that, at least for me. Either that or I’m the one that was disappeared with.

  5. Basically you’re a girlfriend with a penis, and she treats you that way. Emoting about all her boy problems and dating woes. But now that she has a boyfriend, the role you filled – male girlfriend-analogue – is filled by her new guy (along with her various holes).

    What does she need you around for?

    But the news isn’t that bad. When her new guy does something wrong, or it’s rocky, or she’s freaking out because she thinks she fucked up, you’ll be hearing from her again.

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