Hello to you all as I write this at 2:25 am, December 26th, 2022. I have created this account moments ago as I decided to try and seek answers or a conversation.

I am a pretty reserved college student M(19), I’ve had a number of girlfriends and situationships through both highschool and college, however my most recent relationship has left me feeling like I don’t want a relationship. Because of this, the past few months I have allowed myself to do the unthinkable… think. Through my thoughts I have had two questions that have really stuck with me and after much deliberation, I’ve decided to ask. So, my questions are as follows:

Q1: Do any other men feel intimidated or scared by women? Why?

Q2: Does anyone else feel scared or intimidated by the idea of becoming successful?

I will be sending this out to multiple r/ feeds. If you would like to answer a question or talk about it, my DM’s are open.

TL;DR : I’m a 19 y/o M looking to find answers to 1. Do other men feel intimidated by women? And 2. Does anyone else feel scared of the idea of success.

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