what fun things do you & your brother or brothers do together?

  1. Nothing. We message if we need to get in touch but don’t do anything together otherwise outside family meets

  2. My brother and I send eachother memes, but outside of that, we don’t socialize outside of family gatherings. We just don’t have common interests and have an age gap.

    We are starting to bond over drinking and cooking, but it’s something for me to slowly push

  3. Play basketball mostly. Having an opponent in the house really helped my game. We talk sports a lot. He likes talking to me about girls now that Iā€™ve come out because I ā€œget itā€ unlike our straight sisters. We make TikToks together when Iā€™m home.

  4. My brother right above me: We teach dance classes together. He has his own studio where I teach beginners while he handles the intermediate and advanced. I help him choreograph routines for his advanced class. Sometimes Iā€™ll even join and learn a new routine.

    We hang out at each otherā€™s places and just have a good time. Heā€™s my best friend.

    My oldest brother is a bud tender and tattoo artist so he gives me free tattoos and we try new and different edibles(I donā€™t like flower). We donā€™t get to hang much since he lives on the other side of the country.

  5. Travel. Gossiping about family obvi. Memes. Sharing what hobbies weā€™re into. Talking about work. Weā€™re all pretty close.

  6. The only thing we do together is showing up at our parents’ house when we’re invited for dinner. We have no bond. When our parents are gone, we will no longer see each other.

  7. We see each other several times a week and text a lot. We get together for coffee and sometimes meals; we help
    each other if need be. Heā€™s hilarious in the slightly bossy, annoying way of brothers.

  8. Depends on the brother, but, going to concerts, watching movies, sharing new music, talking about current affairs, going to a bar, playing pool, going on skiing holiday, occasionally play squash togeter

  9. my brother is an asshole but I still love him for unexplainable reasons, so board games sometimes with him and our elder sister or movies, arcades etc. He always does smth that makes both of us or one of us mad but it’s just not as fun with two people

  10. I have a teenage baby brother. I live very far away so we mostly just send each other mcu or cat tiktoks.

  11. Play video games together, occasional coffee/lunch sessions, lots of me giving life advice (older sister/baby brother). Sharing our victories with each other. Talk about college courses, play board games, share music interests.

  12. My bestie(male) since second grade and my double male cousin(things that happen when twins marry twins. His sister and I look like indentical twins) are essentially my brothers. For fun, we play music together either in person once or twice year or via video call/phone at least once week when I’m not recovering from Covid(like now. I have no voice at the moment).

  13. PLAY VIDEOGAMES. At first itā€™s the most fun we have, in the end we have to stop playing because we get so pissed since He clearly dont know How to play

  14. My brother comes over and stays with me and my fiancĆ© at least a few days out the month. We smoke trees together, watch movies, game, etc just hang out. We have a pretty good relationship now. We grew distant back when I was in my younger 20ā€™s (Iā€™m 31, heā€™s 29 now) and itā€™s been a good relationship for the most part. I only have one sibling so the bond was always there.

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