I have sex often and have consistent sexual partners haven’t orgasmed in months now

Have been super attracted to all my partners especially my main fwb who I actually caught feelings for but I haven’t cummed with him but I love the sex and he’s very good looking and his dick is perfect altho can be bit too big and sometimes painful wonder if that’s a factor

I’m traveling in NYC and spontaneously had a Xmas one night stand

The guy is a nerd like me and educated and could hold a conversation about topics I am passionate about and we pretty much studied the same things in school and had same career goals and were exactly the same age

So not only physical attraction but intellectual chemistry which I haven’t experienced in a long time don’t meet too many fellow academics love smart men

He was also extremely affectionate gave me girlfriend treatment on a date and when at his house

Now the sex – this is what I am weirded out by

He went down a lot fingered me took turns fucking PIV stimulated my breasts made out mostly did missionary and was super romantic

And I cummed hard and multiple times lost count actually

At first he thought i was faking it but then after then I had a really intense orgasm and he was like ok that was a real one I don’t think anyone can fake that

Also he was shocked and said I have never made a woman cum piv before other ways sure not through intercourse that never happens

Also he said I cum super easy and I must naturally be that way with every body he didn’t believe I hadn’t cummed in months

Um I am fucking freaked out not sure what it is about him that made me cum so hard ? And how rapidly and how much I cummed is this normal ? Why did this happen and how can I repeat it

He’s not even my usual type all my other partners are my ideal

I find him attractive but not someone I go for usually

Weirded out and trying to understand what was the factor ?

  1. Sapiosexual. You’re attracted to his intellect. Quite honestly, my husband can make me cum in 2 minutes if he “plays my piano right”… it’s like I’m a horny teenager — and I’m pushing 40.

    Being with an intellectual equal is critical. I’m always puzzled how women who hold a doctorate would hook up with guys that hated school and are relatively dim witted. It’s just her horny brain at that moment; not a likely intellectual match. In life, most happily married couples tend to more or less match each other in intellect, family backgrounds, ideology, religious beliefs, education, etc. There are exceptions, but this is what I often find.

  2. Physical attraction, good chemistry, and then fingering, making out, and stimulating your breasts.

    All of those things probably contributed to being very turned on and just generally very pleasurable sex.

    Plus probably some excitement from it being somebody new.

  3. There are things beyong our understanding.

    You both just clicked.

    I’m not so sure that he made you come because he is an intellectual. He must have done something to your body and soul that made you open up. We have aesthetic preferences and get to know them pretty quickly, but sometimes our bodies crave something that we CAN’T pin-point. A certain rythm. A pacing. A smell. A vibe. It’s immaterial. Uncategorized and wild. Not part of the logosphere. Unmapped.


    Keep his number. Stay in contact. If I hadn’t come in months and that ONE guy managed to blow my mind like that, I would regularly hit him up. But that’s just me. You do what is good for you. Stay safe and healthy, hun

  4. yeah i found someone like that. they are the best lovers and rarer than hens teeth.

    hold onto him hes worth his weight in gold

    he knows how to touch you.

    he will cuddle you and show intimacy when you hook up and be there to serve your needs.

    its like finding the lost city of atlantis, those guys exist but they are definitely not common and really difficult to find for hook ups/fwb

    I finally got myself one after a year of shitty dating, he puts up with my lunacy and handles me like a pro.

  5. Overthinking… ?

    You seem to be a very analytical person, maybe it was just the fact NY guy made you feel comfortable while totally unattached, and seems to be into foreplay and laid back sex.

    No other can really tell you but maybe it was easy because he could be close but also completely detached
    While all your previous partners obviously get assigned roles and you seem to “figure them out”?

  6. >The guy is a nerd like me and educated and could hold a conversation about topics I am passionate about and we pretty much studied the same things in school and had same career goals and were exactly the same age
    >So not only physical attraction but intellectual chemistry which I haven’t experienced in a long time don’t meet too many fellow academics love smart men
    >He was also extremely affectionate gave me girlfriend treatment on a date and when at his house

    And then…

    >He’s not even my usual type all my other partners are my ideal
    >I find him attractive but not someone I go for usually

    I think we’ve found your problem.

  7. Piv…. youd be surprised.

    Sometimes its not the size…

    Its the shape, I have average penis thats shaped upwards when its erect…

    Always made sex partners cum piv. Its my penis shape rubbing on her Gspot.

    She also verified she dont usually cum this much. But always cum with me heheh ☺️

    Its also the fact that he was arousing you all the way from the start… giving your gf warmth and building you up

  8. Physical attraction partnered with insane chemistry. Sorry you won’t be able to replicate this experience with other partners. Hope you kept this guys number!

    Other people also call this soulmates or twin flames. You’ve met in past lives and your souls recognized each other before you did.

  9. I dunno, like this should be the norm when your guy knows what they are doing and you are good at communicating with each other.

  10. You need to figure out how to be in a relationship with this guy, maybe even move. Congratulations you found you person.

  11. Maybe who you think is your type is not actually your type

    People often forget that we don’t always fully understand ourselves, sometimes what we may be 100% certain is the case, is not the case.

    It would explain why you nobody could make you orgasm in a while

  12. Sounds like your “type” is just some idea in your head. I’m attracted to attractive people as well but if there’s no mental chemistry to stimulate me, I might as well be jerking off alone.

    Sex is fun but it’s obviously better with mutual chemistry. Idk how old you are but I’d guess mid 20s. Take this experience and learn from what you enjoyed and noticed about that partner and try to apply it with future ones. His mannerisms or attention to detail or easy to talk to.

    Also, FWB implies benefits. Otherwise you’re just a warm Fleshlight. Make your partner finish you up. They have fingers and a mouth as well. Stop rewarding fuckboi behavior

  13. > Fellow academics

    Honey, there isn’t a spec of punctuation in this entire post other than question marks at the end of declarative statements.

  14. A connection with someone helps. It keeps you relaxed and open. But it sounds like he knew what he was doing.

    Making a woman come is a skill. There isn’t a single hidden button for a man to push.

    Every woman is wired differently as to what works and there are various ways to achieve orgasm. Yeah I know I’m preaching to the choir, sorry.

    But best men learn how to read a woman to figure it out. When you react to a stimuli, they go with it … and add to it.

    From what you describe he stimulated clit, g-spot, breasts and penetration (maybe some at the same time) … so multiple erroneous zones.

    You now know what you’re capable of. Time to teach your FWB how to do this.

  15. I’m reading this and essentially summarizing: “My ideal partner – ie the physical look I’m attracted (and the subsequent personal traits that go along with that type) can’t make me come. But I like the sex….”

    “A guy I’m not really attracted to can make me cum because he’s in my brain and does things others don’t normally do! What is going on?”

    I dunno… I read this and it triggers all the times I was friend zoned as a teenager and up into my twenties and even thirties because I wasn’t the total muscular fit person (I’m not grossly overweight by any means) and didn’t have the attitude to go along with that, but when given the chance the tool I work with which has been dubbed ‘simply the perfect penis’ by more than one woman worked wonders, multiple times.

    Maybe ‘your type’ is someone not based solely off physical traits and someone that has the mental traits a you subconsciously also require.

  16. Sounds like he mind-f_ked you before he physically fu_ked you.

    That’s the way, lol.

    Pleasuring the mind before pleasuring the body.

  17. >I find him attractive but not someone I go for usually

    Maybe it’s time to start going for his type instead, then!

  18. Sounds like social conditioning is guiding your “ideal” more than you realize. Sounds like this guy and his treatment of you are more your ideal than you have allowed yourself to realize until now.

    The “pretty things” are nice every once in a while, but it’s that person-to-person connection that really matters the most.

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