What is your number one goal for the next six months?

  1. Get down to 200lbs. 20 lbs to go. Going to cut back on alcohol and start counting calories. The holidays are a cruel mistress to my body.

  2. Drop 80lbs for my six pack before I turn 30. I’ve done it before, it’s gonna suck, but I can do it again.

  3. Drink less beer.

    Im not a drunk or anything like that. I just spend too much money on it and it’s a lot of unnecessary calories.

  4. Gain some muscle weight and get back into my sketching hobby… Well I guess those two are tied for number one.

  5. Get IR (Instrument Rating) on my private pilot license + extend my sailing license to unlimited voyages.

  6. My #1 goal is to be more kind and human, as always. That’s not very concrete, so I’ll say my newest goal is to get laid. I realized it will have been three years since in March 2023, and that don’t feel good.

  7. Get out of my head for once.
    I’ve held myself back so much because I get so wound up which ends up paralyzing me.

  8. Finally learn Spanish so I can talk with my family in Mexico and not be skinny fat anymore. I hate being so weak

  9. fix my teeth. some extractions, some cavity clean up, then adult braces, then implants. going to be a long journey but I’m ready

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