My gf has a single guy friend who they’ve known for years that she constantly feels the need to FaceTime, text, and DM memes. I tried to look past this over 4 months but right after I expressed my boundary to her, I found out she FaceTimed this guy after I left her place one day and I broke up with her. I’m not compatible with someone who has that open of a friendship, it would always get to me.

I’m disappointed a bit as I loved this person and she claims it was nothing serious. However I don’t think she would ever be emotionally available if she keeps these other options afloat. I gave her all I could to show her I’m serious & committed to her. But I had to do what’s right for me at the end of the day. I’m hurting a bit as she is a great person, great match for me. I just don’t understand why she gives her guy friends so much energy still.

She wants to get together & talk after the holiday break. Should I try to work with her or should I move on? I know I can’t change her at the end of the day but I’m looking for someone who can offer a more monogamous commitment.

  1. I don’t know man maybe you were right to be suspicious and there was something going on or it was just a normal friendship. Because if those were just her female friends nothing she would be doing would be strange. I have done that with female friends where we FaceTime and text every day. Plus when you’re in a relationship you should still nourish your friendships. Because if the relationship ends your friends are the one who help you through the breakup. But when it comes to this you need to trust your gut feeling. If it feels like something more is going on then don’t go back to her. But if nothing feels off then it’s fine and you can go back if you want to

  2. Nah. You don’t need the headaches. Next time do not date a woman who is in constant communication with male besties. Don’t listen to anything she says. If she comes to you and says she has dropped all of those “friends” perhaps. But how likely is she to do that? The woman is either 100% yours and a character in your story.

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