Trying to learn Hindi for an upcoming trip but man it goes in one ear and out the other. I’m bilingual in English and Spanish so I thought a third language wouldn’t be too difficult.

Granted around here there isn’t really anyone to practice with and learning materials aren’t as good as they are for more “mainstream” languages.

I have a tutor (God bless his patience) and using Duolingo and Rocket Language. I’m hoping when I get to India it will start to click.

If anyone has any suggestions and tips let me know m

  1. I was taught Latin on 4th to 6th grade due to the school. And picked Spanish as my 2nd language in middle/high school but the lackluster teachers made it impossible to retain

  2. Learning a language with a different alphabet is next level. It is a long term endeavor, not a to-do list item so don’t be too hard on yourself.

    If nothing else you are doing wonders for your brain health.

    You might find a speaking partner helpful.

    They want to learn English, you want to learn Hindi. You meet with each other. First half of the conversation you both speak Hindi and s/he helps you. Second half of the conversation you both speak English and you help him/her.

    There are organizations for finding a local speaking partner you meet in person.

    You can also do it online, even through a phone app.

  3. Funny
    I m bilingual in English and hindi
    And am trying to learn Spanish on duolingo
    (Just turned 30)

  4. I tried evening classes and struggled. I thought I was no good at learning languages. Then I travelled and learned a LOT better. Same brain, same aptitude, totally different result.

    But travelling didn’t mean being in a foreign country and experiencing it in English. It meant a budget hotel for locals where the staff don’t speak English. Shopping in a supermarket. Figuring out public transport. I don’t know what your travelling situation will be, but the more you can avoid English the better. I know that’s hard if you’re travelling with people who speak English.

    In my experience, learning before travelling feels frustrating but it’s quietly creating a framework in your mind which will help you learn quickly when you do travel. And your travel experience will be so much richer if you do.

  5. I’ve started learning probably 6 different languages….I dive into it and get pretty good, almost conversational…and then completely lose all of it because I stopped practicing regularly…


    The key thing with languages is practicing it every single day, and that becomes even more important as we get older. The fact that you have a tutor is a huge help, so kudos for getting that. As others have said, once you get to India and are immersed in the language all around you every day, things will definitely start to come faster.

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