I’m in the IT and digital marketing industry, will be landing a job in IT support soon through an employment program. The IT or digital marketing industry doesn’t really require a degree. However, I want a degree because it’s necessary for a work visa in many countries, there’s no way around that.

I’m turning 30 in February. I have 27 random humanities and social sciences credits that I acquired while recovering from my concussion in 2019. I have not recovered from my concussion (still considered disabled with my daily migraines and vision issues).

I was thinking about getting a business or commerce degree, because maybe if I don’t like IT I could get into human resources, then realized it would take me a year just to get the math prerequisites…

Then I was looking at others that might not need as much math like a degree in management or workplace leadership. I thought this would be good due to my previous experience as a supervisor in warehousing… but then they also require a lot of perquisites, and wouldn’t utilize my credits that I do have.

Then the next option is that I can choose an arts degree, so this would take me about 3 years, if I choose something I’m interested in.

The thing is I would probably choose psychology because I’m genuinely interested in psychology, but it just sucks that people with degrees in psychology are everywhere, and psychology degrees seem to have no value unless going for a masters.

I do have interested in becoming a psychologist however I don’t think I could handle it due to my concussion symptoms, and I don’t think I have it in me to pursue a masters or have a job as a therapist or counselling.

I’m not sure what to do… I’m leaning towards a business degree but it would take me about 4 years no doubt, because not many of my current credits would transfer over.


1 comment
  1. Couldn’t you apply those credits to an “open” degree. We have them in the UK with the Open University. Should be something similar where you are.

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