Why am i forced to participate in these hierarchies and dynamics regardless if my social skills are low or high? Shouldn’t people understand if your skills are low and give you a pass. I’ve always been ignored and treated badly/bullied or my life so it must mean that i was at the bottom of the hierarchies in highschool,university and at my workplace now it’s the same thing.Since i recognize this now and first impression is most important and that people rarely give you a second chance after that impression you can try as much as you want but they’ll never change and always gaslight you,why should i bother to be in their good graces? Should i just quit my job? it’s minium wage in Eastern europe i could probably find another shit job like this but there’s going to be another social hierarchy there and i hate that… Right now at work i don’t bother to say good morning or have a nice evening i just come in, work and i leave – i’m part of a team unfortunately it’s becoming quite unbearable to be honest.

So what should i do? I can’t stress myself day and night climbing the social dynamics and hierarchical ladder you know what should be my solution in this case? i can’t be a clown

  1. If you were free to do what felt right to you around people and at work, what would that look like? How would you act?

  2. It s wrong to be rude to people just because you feel they treat you unfairly and it just makes it worse for yourself. Now people will actually enjoy bullying you because you seem to be a bit of a dick to them. Try and go into work with a different attitude for a change. Try and bring some smiles and positivity to people and you ll notice they will treat you better. At this point, i feel that your whole attitude is shit from the get-go and that s why you have all these bad experiences. People will give you a pass if you at least show you have a good heart. I feel like you should know that 99% of people treat other people nicely in the beginning, so everyone that treats you bad after they meet you, is all on you, not on them.

  3. Just try to be moderately pleasant and polite. You may not be able to make a second impression, but cultivate this behavior pattern and change your perspective, and then when you feel that you’re on reasonably solid ground with your new perspective, change jobs if you still need to. You’ll make a better first impression this time.

    For changing your perspective, I recommend this: https://www.youtube.com/@AbrahamHicks

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