Е.g. super speed is super worthless without super reaction

  1. I know hancock is technically an amnesiac angel but bustinga nut that shoots through the roof.

  2. If you just had the ability to fly like most superheroes do you’d freeze to death

  3. In the League of extraordinary Gentlemen the invisible guy was permanent invisible. I think it would suck. He has to put paint on himself to be seen. So he is constantly doing whiteface. In todays society he would be cancelled. He would have to choose an outrageous colour not associated with any race.

  4. Super speed would make existence torture. Being able to react so quickly means that you are conscious at every moment at that speed.

    Basically every second of your life would feel like it takes hours.

  5. Super strength always seemed like a tough one. Is there skin super strong too so, there clothes, shoes, and other day to day products would just be ruined because the excess force applied to them because the extra strength. ?

  6. When people win the lottery they get all these long lost cousins coming out of the woodwork looking for handouts. Could you imagine being Superman and some inbred Kansas cousin who posts “Let’s Go Brandon” memes on Facebook calls and asks you to help him move?

  7. You’re always expected to help people. You’ll never get time to yourself.

    Have you ever seen Superman binge there newest season of project runway?

  8. If you could teleport, there’s a decent chance that you might just destroy yourself and then create a copy of yourself that has a separate stream of consciousness in another location. You’d just stop existing, like you died instantly. Worse, the new version of you would have no recollection of being destroyed, and would think that everything went fine, so you’d end up condemning countless clones of yourself to be wiped out of existence, one after the other.

  9. More broadly, I think having a superpower at all without any kind of training or discipline for using it would be pretty detrimental, pretty fast — especially because it would be so tempting to use to solve almost all one’s problems. Don’t have enough money for gas this week? Just rob a bank! Co-worker annoying you? Give them a good Force choke (but not too bad!) and see how they react. Bored? See just how much you can get away with on a Saturday afternoon! Really pissed off at someone who’s making your life difficult? Knock their house down with a tornado!

    That’s a lot of responsibility placed on the shoulders of someone who, up until that point, never really needed to think about the restraint needed to have a superpower and also still be a functioning member of society (who is also not being actively hounded by every cop and angry mob within a 50 mile radius).

  10. Super speed would require not just super reaction time, but also super durability, endurance, and energy efficiency. Moving that quick would destroy the body so u need durability. Of course endurance is obvious. And also moving that fast would use ho a looot of energy so u would either need to eat a lot more or be super efficient with energy

    Also invisibility will make u blind unless u can turn parts of your body visible again, allowing for a small portion of your eyes to be visible but unnoticeable, allowing you to see

  11. Super intelligence. Living in a world of intellectually inferior beings would be soul crushingly lonely and frustrating.

  12. Superman’s hair is also super strong. He has to shave by using his heat vision to burn the hair off.

  13. This is perfect in the ask men sub because we always think of these things constantly without being asked and just because we can

  14. I think a general downside is the loneliness. Assuming you superpower is unique or rare, you’d have so few (if any) people to turn to for help or just someone to relate with.

  15. If you’re invisible then light can’t hit your eyeballs and you’d be blind

  16. The power to control weather, might have repercussions if water is taken from or displaced in other atmospheric areas

    Also you would probably get tasked with traveling to certain areas of the world to prevent giant storms from killing people. Then if one happens, it’s perceived to be all your fault for not stopping it.

    You would also be looked at negatively whether you kept the weather nice in your area or not. “They’re taking advantage of nature!“ and at the same time “they’re not using their powers to help us!”

    No thanks to super powers, I’ll just keep being a normal human and die like everyone else has

  17. Finding just the right ***tiniest*** mask to cover my eyes so that I’m completely unrecognizable.

  18. If you had control of fire no one would ever lease you an apartment. Building code. Same reason you would never get an entry level job. Lawyers would be suing the ground you walk on. Wanna be my flashlight? No I have a phone for that. Sigh 😔 🔥

  19. While flying, you’re gonna be very visible

    You’re gonna have to be real careful of birds while flying

    Try not to fly anywhere you’re not supposed to be

  20. Reading everyone’s minds *all the fucking time* would make me blow my brains out. Imagine not having peace and quiet in your own head.

  21. Being able to fly means you don’t get enough exercise and turn into a fat fuck

  22. If you could fly. You could only really fly as fast as you can run. You’ll need an extra power ( super speed) to make it useful. Also, you can’t fly too high because you’ll die in space.

  23. Superhuman strength would mean that you could accidentally kill someone. Maybe someone close to you.

  24. Pretty much the entire existence as the hulk is a downside.

    Imagine getting cut off on the highway then destroying your car as you bust out of it and go on a killing rampage.

    Or sitting at your house watching a sports game and your team losses. Insurance ain’t gonna cover that😄

  25. Not to be a dick, but super speed magnifies time dilation, so you don’t need a super fast reaction time… because you’re moving so fast, everything around you seems to be moving super slow.

  26. Flying.

    Like you gotta think it takes similar to more energy than jogging or running.

    You wanna fly somewhere is probably the same as running somewhere. Who tf wants to do that??

  27. Most stories describe invisibility as bending light around an object or person. But this would mean that light would bend away from eyes, meaning if you could go invisible, you’d also go blind.

  28. Invisibility will make you blind

    Super strength will break your hands

    Laser vision will burn your eyes

  29. If you were invisible you’d also be blind as the light would pass through you rather than bouncing off your eye

  30. Healing factor. Would consume so much energy from your body you would have to constantly eat and drink. To replenish the energy. Not to mention the minerals and other stuff your body would have to produce just to keep you alive

  31. Did you hear Superman got his next door neighbor pregnant?
    He was jacking off in his shower.

  32. If you could fly would you have to record a flight plan with FAA every single time you fly? That would suck.

  33. That when super strength can break your bones, by punching things really hard

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